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Добавлен: 2013-02-09 20:47:09 блограйдером 1234zz

Analysis of Compound Weighing Precision in Drug Discovery

2013-02-15 22:29:00 (читать в оригинале)

Early drug discovery laboratories often call for the precise weighing of 1- to 5-mg solids into 4- to 5-g glass vials. For the balance used in this study (Mettler Toledo XP205), the manufacturer rates its accuracy at ±0.01 mg over the working range of 1 mg to 220 g and its precision or repeatability at 0.015 mg for 10-g weights. The manufacturer ratings were confirmed using standard steel weights, but these calibrators do not well represent the weighing precision of drug compound. For example, when pre-taring a 4- to 5-g vial on the balance and then weighing 1- to 5-mg calibration weights, although no bias was observed, precision dropped appreciably. When measuring solid sample in the range of 1 to 5 mg, deviation of the measured weight from the actual (true) weight was even worse, ...

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