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Адрес блога: http://usapediatrics.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2013-02-15 16:19:43 блограйдером 1234zz

The Risks Of Periodontal Diseases For Children

2016-12-12 17:01:00 (читать в оригинале)

The part of the tooth that appears except the gum, is covered with a hard layer called enamel. There is a softer structure underneath. And in the inner part of the tooth, there is dental pulp. Periodontal diseases affects the tooth from the part that is between the gums and the tooth, which the tooth is connected to the alveolus. Since periodontal diseases like decay may cause other internal diseases, dental care is more important for children than it is for matures.

Since the children's teeth are easier to decay and their body are more frail than matures', dental care is very important for children. Especially tooth decay can cause the wang to develop in an improper way by affecting the bones. In this circumstance, speech disorders are very possible to be had by children. Also, a fastly progressing decay may lead to permanent heart diseases, which will affect human life in a very bad way.

toddler gum infection, periodontal disease in children ppt, toddler gingivitis, receding gum on one tooth child, gum disease in children, pictures of gum disease in children, toddler bleeding gums and bad breath, toddler swollen gums over teeth

Тэги: dental, health


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