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Адрес блога: http://usapediatrics.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2013-02-15 16:19:43 блограйдером 1234zz

Should You Insist on Sharing?

2017-01-02 20:43:00 (читать в оригинале)

It is not hard to tell the child about sharing when he or she reaches to 4 years old. From this period to up to 7 years old it is suitable to offer to share with friends. If the child does not want to then you should not insist. The question of "he will leave it when he will go, would you like to share it until he goes?" is quite important. Because he may think that his friend will get the toy and will not give it back again. This explanation comforts him, encourages sharing. If your child is entering a new orientation, you can help introduce them to other children.

The Importance of Sharing

Children can easily to discuss with each other. It is extremely effective in strengthening friendships to wait a moment instead of intervening immediately, give each other the opportunity to solve when there is a conflict. Games and toys are one of the easiest ways to influence the child's soul. Because the game is the first reaction the child has developed ties. It is actually the first step in independence. We hope that this information will help you a lot in understanding your own children.

Тэги: child, psychology


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