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Добавлен: 2013-02-27 14:00:37 блограйдером 1234zz

BEST Want to increase your payout to 40%?

2013-02-27 13:58:00 (читать в оригинале)

Want to increase your payout to 40%?

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Want to increase your payout to 40%?

In order to increase your payout from 30% to 35% and then 40%, you would need to have a certain history of the service and be able to comply with certain requirements, which are more closely described below.

To upgrade your account to 35% you will need to have one of the following:

  • One hundred orders a month for 2 consecutive months
  • Not less then 3 orders every day of the month for 2 consecutive months
  • More then $5000 turnover a month for 2 consecutive months

If any of the above will apply to you, then you are eligible for an increase in your payout rate and our support staff should be contacted right away regarding the issue.

An upgrade of your account to 40% payouts is normally performed on an individual basis, however certain guidelines may also be provided. First of all the following points are required:

  1. Not less then 6 month history of sales
  2. Ten orders a day for a period of 2 months
  3. 300 orders a month for a period of 2 months

Pharmincome Affiliate Program allows you to start your own online pharmacy business. You can easily install your own ready-made shop using one of three platforms:

  • Pharmincome platform
  • WordPress Plugin
  • Drupal Plugin
After your shop is installed you will have access to your own web-site's Panel where you can change descriptions, select a wide range of templates or change them on your own desire. By generating sales on your own pharmacy, you can earn up to 40% commission.

Каталог партнерских программ




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