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Создавая пространство.. Блог декоратора Кати Саган

Конверт для Coursera :)

2013-06-18 05:34:08 (читать в оригинале)

Уже рассказывала, что учусь на курсе "Introduction to Art: Concepts & Techniques" в Pennsylvanian State University, на прошлой неделе творческим заданием было создание mail art объекта - конверта-memory, имеющего какую-то личную значимость, и соответственно обусловленную ею "внешность". Покажу вам свой конвертик, и его содержимое, открытку-воспоминание :)
И еще объяснение "artist statement", которое на курсе каждый раз надо писать к сотворенному :)
(правда на английском)

*** mar adentro (the sea inside) ***
we were young, thoughtless and light-hearted, and spending that summer on the sea shore.. all the evenings we were strolling around, looking to the sea, i was painting watercolors, trying to find my way of depicting the world, we were reading poems of Anna Akhmatova and did not think about anything, just living that very moment as it was……..
this envelope so represents for me a memory from that period – colors i used in my paintings, rainbow plays of colors deep in the water, brightness of our emotions and sensations.. the inner part of the envelope is gold and with a texture – representing golden beach sand under our feet.. the inside – it is a postcard, with a poem of Anna Akhmatova, called “close to the sea” and lightly colored in the same palette, humid watercolor making the impression that waves touched the paper and left light rainbow traces..
mar adentro, this is the title, once you’ve seen the sea, it stays forever with you, inside of you :)

1 front of the envelope

3 image of insert coming out of the open envelope

6 front of the insert:postcard

5 front of the insert:postcard

Тэги: рисунок


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