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Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://dril.eu
Добавлен: 2013-03-02 21:50:43 блограйдером 88888888

0.23 Acres in Leon County, Texas

2013-03-24 12:15:07 (читать в оригинале)

Slightly Wooded lot that is just 2 blocks away from one of the many parks. Property is also very close to Cherokee Lake, allowing for a lake view. Many other amenities are close by. About Hilltop Lakes: Hilltop Lakes Belongs to the Property Owners. The Property Owners bought Hilltop lakes from J.B. Belin in June of 1998. Approximately 1,000 People live in this wonderful Resort subdivision. NO mobile homes are allowed and residents are able to build any type of house they desire with very minimal restrictions. Campgrounds are available for anyone to use, there are 37 motor home spaces, 20 tent sites, a playground, a pavilion and a comfort station with showers and courtesy phones. The campgrounds are not available for extended stay. The golf course is for members, guest of members or management, or those staying in the motel or campgrounds. Members do not pay green fees. What most subdivision don\'t have and Hilltop Lakes has is an Airport. It\'s a private airport, not subject to FAA standards; (land at your own risk) the runway is 3,000 ft. paved with tie-down areas. The runway is within walking distance to the motel and restaurant.

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