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Адрес блога: http://maxchernitsov.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2008-02-01 00:51:21

Максим Черницов в деловом еженедельнике "Профиль"

2011-06-29 10:09:00 (читать в оригинале)

Максим Черницов для Moscow Times о своем родном городе Магнитогорске

2011-06-22 07:30:00 (читать в оригинале)

For MT
Maxim Chernitsov,
Fashion designer and co-founder of Polovodye, a fashion and music festival held in Magnitogorsk every summer
Q: What role did the city play in your career as a fashion designer?
A: It played a crucial role. I spent my childhood and youth there. I dreamed and drew my first sketches there. I also worked a bit at the local sewing factory, Makintosh.

Q: Why does the city need Polovodye?
A: Magnitogorsk has people who create interesting performances and good designers who create interesting items. Creative people should come together, and the festival is a chance to show what they can do.
Q: What do you recommend seeing in Magnitogorsk?
A: Stop in the German district, with its two-story houses, to walk over a bridge connecting Europe and Asia. Take a tram past the huge MMK plant to see the pipes and the smoke. It’s also good to go to the ski resorts in winter and gather mushrooms around the town in the summer and fall.

— Irina Filatova

Полностью материал о Магнитогорске можно прочитать по ссылке


Максим Черницов для Moscow Times о своем родном городе Магнитогорске

2011-06-22 07:30:00 (читать в оригинале)

For MT
Maxim Chernitsov,
Fashion designer and co-founder of Polovodye, a fashion and music festival held in Magnitogorsk every summer
Q: What role did the city play in your career as a fashion designer?
A: It played a crucial role. I spent my childhood and youth there. I dreamed and drew my first sketches there. I also worked a bit at the local sewing factory, Makintosh.

Q: Why does the city need Polovodye?
A: Magnitogorsk has people who create interesting performances and good designers who create interesting items. Creative people should come together, and the festival is a chance to show what they can do.
Q: What do you recommend seeing in Magnitogorsk?
A: Stop in the German district, with its two-story houses, to walk over a bridge connecting Europe and Asia. Take a tram past the huge MMK plant to see the pipes and the smoke. It’s also good to go to the ski resorts in winter and gather mushrooms around the town in the summer and fall.

— Irina Filatova

Полностью материал о Магнитогорске можно прочитать по ссылке


Максим Черницов на церемонии журнала FHM

2011-06-18 10:00:00 (читать в оригинале)

Максим Черницов на церемонии журнала FHM

2011-06-18 10:00:00 (читать в оригинале)

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