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Адрес блога: http://lvfi.livejournal.com/
Добавлен: 2013-04-18 03:05:17 блограйдером captcczy
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Двойные жидовские стандарты.

2015-04-24 15:00:27 (читать в оригинале)

   Израиль не присоединился Европарламент и папу в официально признать Геноцид армян, отчасти из-за своего стратегического альянса с Азербайджаном против Ирана. А азеры, как известно, турецкие прихвостни.Источник - US News and World Report.
   Обычные жидовские принципы - важно не то, что является правдой, а то, что выгодно.
   Уж со своим-то геноцидом они носятся как с писаной торбой. Все уши прожужжали.

   Israel has not joined the EU Parliament and the pope in officially recognizing the Armenian genocide, partly because of its strategic alliance with Azerbaijan against Iran.
   For years, close ties between Israel and Turkey were understood to be the reason Jerusalem has avoided the repeated requests of Armenians for the international community to recognize the genocide their community suffered at the hands of the Ottoman Turks during World War I. Not only has Israel refused to recognize that the massacre was premeditated and planned by the Ottoman government in Istanbul, it has also exerted its influence in Washington to prevent the United States from recognizing the genocide. This alone was a good enough reason for the various Turkish governments to maintain close ties with Israel. Ankara believed that Israel had almost mystical powers of influence over the White House and Capitol Hill.
   Gallia Lindenstrauss of Israel’s Institute for National Security Studies says that Azerbaijan is the Muslim country with which Israel currently has the closest ties. Trade between Israel and Azerbaijan is estimated at over $5 billion. Israel imports some 40% of its oil from there, and exports mainly weapons and sophisticated defense systems to it. In 2012, when talk of an Israel strike against Iran was at its peak, Foreign Policy quoted a senior US official as saying (apparently with considerable hyperbole), “The Israelis have bought an airfield … and the airfield is called Azerbaijan.”

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