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Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://quantoforum.ru
Добавлен: 2013-05-02 14:40:55

Теория сжатия Вселенной версия # 9 - 17 год

2017-04-26 20:14:21 (читать в оригинале)

Hornet, если Вас интересует теории с переменной скоростью света, то научные подходы можете найти в статьях, указанных выше. Однако, следует отметить, что хотя с помощью переменной скорости света и можно объяснить, например, космологическое красное смещение, но сопутствующих проблем оказывается значительно больше:
Physical Processes if the Velocity of Light is not Constant.
Notes from Setterfield:
1. Photon energies are proportional to [l / c2)].
2. Photon fluxes from emitters are directly proportional to c.
3. Photons travel at the speed of c.
4. From 1 to 3 this means that the total energy flux from any emitter is invariant with decreasing c, that is, [ 1 / c2 x c x c ]. This
includes stars and the radioactive decay of elements etc.
5. Atomic particles will travel at a rate proportional to c.
6. There is an additional quantisation of atomic phenomena brought about by a full quantum (+/-) of energy available to the atom.
This occurs every time there is a change in light-speed by (+/-) 331 times its present value.
7. A harmonisation of the situation with regards to both atomic and macroscopic masses results from the new theory, and a
quantisation factor is involved.
A). From 2, as photosynthesis depends upon the number of photons received, it inevitably means that photosynthetic processes
were more efficient with higher c values. This leads to the conclusions stated originally.
B). As radiation rates are proportional to c from 2, it inevitably follows that magma pools, e.g., on the moon, will cool more
quickly. Note that A and B are built-in features of the theory that need no other maths or physics.
C). From 6 and 7, the coefficient of diffusion will vary up to 331 times its current value within a full quantum interval. In other
words there is an upper maximum to diffusion efficiencies. Otherwise the original conclusions still stand.
D). In a similar way to C, and following on from 6 and 7, the coefficient of viscosity will vary down to 1/331 times it current value
within the full quantum interval. This implies a lower minimum value for viscosities. Within that constraint, the original
conclusions hold.
E). In a way similar to C and D, and again resulting from 6 and 7, critical velocities for laminar flow will vary up to 331 times that
pertaining now, within the full quantum interval. The original conclusions then hold within that constraint.
F). As the cyclic time for each quantum interval was extremely short initially, it follows that it is appropriate to use an average
value in C, D, and E, instead of the maximum: that is, about 166. As c tapered down to its present value, a long time has been
spent on the lower portion of a quantum change with near-minimum values for C, and E, and near maximum values for D. These
facts result in the effects originally elucidated.

Тэги: материя, темная, физика


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