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Tinkerbell's Diaries
Tinkerbell's Diaries
Голосов: 0
Адрес блога: http://tinkerbellsdiaries.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2013-05-28 21:48:05

Wednesday image. Country story

2013-05-16 12:05:00 (читать в оригинале)

Hi dears!!!

As usually here are some nice pics taken for you countryside - this is country restaurant called "Razdolie" :-) it is very cute place with beautiful lake, good restaurant and park country-style with wooden small huts and waterfalls.

This black cat was very happy too have some fish from my hands, afterwards he seated himself as comfortable as possible in my arm-chair and put his paws on my knew, and never wanted to let me go :-) animals can be very grateful and noble

Wearing: Armani dress, Armani ballerinas, Louis Vuitton clutch, Provision sunglasses

Please visit me also here or here!!!

thank you for dropping by and welcome to everyone at my Google+ and Bloglovin!!!

if it is not of difficulty I will ve grateful very much for all your votes here

Тэги: armani, country, lake, louis, vuitton


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