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Tinkerbell's Diaries
Tinkerbell's Diaries
Голосов: 0
Адрес блога: http://tinkerbellsdiaries.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2013-05-28 21:48:05

Wednesday image. Ancient capital walk

2013-04-17 23:05:00 (читать в оригинале)

My dears,

hello there! here are some pics taken during my short journey in Kiev, our capital. I hope you will like these and share your comments with me.

I apologize for simple style in clothes but the weather was quite cold and I tried to get dressed as comfortable as possible:-)

This is me in the park where I grew old and in the Mariinsky park.

This great carousel is located in the center street of the city - Khreschatik!

As I have already written in my previous post I visited Pecherska Lavra - the sacred place in Kiev.

Wearing: Calvin Klein jacket (see also here), Sassofono jeans, Louis Vuitton bag (see also here), Kelton boots (see also here), Sassofono dress, Tiara band, Louis Vuitton satchel

I also remind to everyone who is interested in my blog that soon it'll be impossible to communicate through gfc that's why I invite everyone to add me in Bloglovin and Google+!!!

My dears, you can see some other of my images here or here!

Тэги: kelton, kiev, lavra, louis, park, sassofono, vuitton


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