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Tinkerbell's Diaries
Tinkerbell's Diaries
Голосов: 0
Адрес блога: http://tinkerbellsdiaries.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2013-05-28 21:48:05

Wednesday image. True Blue.

2013-03-27 22:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Hello to everybody again!

here's my next short photo story. again a bright smile on this session is my fave braccialini bag! It is quite simple look but nice and elegant. I like the combination of pink and dark-blue.

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This bag always rises my mood and makes me feel happy!

You can see also here my favorite boots of Kelton - I love 'em bcos they go very nice with any look!

Wearing here: leather jacket, InWear dress, Kelton boots (you can see nice look with em also here), Mexx scarf, Braccialini bag (you can see another look with it here), silver earrings with tourmalines, IVKO socks

Will be very grateful to you, my dears, if you like me HERE

Thank you very much in advance!

Other looks of mine are here or there!!!

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And off course please follow me on my Bloglovin as soon it'll be impossible to follow each other in GFC!!!

Тэги: blue, inwear, kelton, leather, tourmaline, walk


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