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Адрес блога: http://network.lamantinclub.com/
Добавлен: 2013-11-17 08:49:42 блограйдером darkeye

How to move site from joomla 2.5 to joomla 3

2017-05-19 09:37:56 (читать в оригинале)

How to move site from joomla 2.5 to joomla 3

Literally a few days ago I had to move the site from the joomla 2.5.x engine to joomla 3.x. On the official site of joomla (https://docs.joomla.org) it was recommended to migrate by deleting old, incompatible with joomla 3.x versions of third-party components and packages. I have already done this kind of migration several times before and it was successful. However, the migration of this site occurred with errors, after which either the site did not start at all, or the admin work partially. In this regard, I decided to transfer the content and settings of the old site to the freshly installed joomla 3.4.1 ...


The best RDP client for connecting to Windows for Ubuntu - FreeRDP

2017-05-18 13:43:38 (читать в оригинале)

Having reconsidered the characteristics and tried almost all RDP-clients on Linux, I can say with confidence that FreeRDP is the best. At what the best without use of any superstructures of type Remmina. I, as a user, do not like it when the remote desktop opens in a window with scrollbars and completely incomprehensible resolution. Wide fields of windows eat up some space on which the remote desktop could turn. Some clients can not work with a common clipboard, which is also inconvenient. Having tested and fairly tested different clients ...


How to build mc (Midnight Commander) for NAS Seagate Central

2017-04-29 14:18:52 (читать в оригинале)

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Just recently, there was a need for a file manager & nbsp; Midnight Commander on the network drive NAS Seagate Central. In the standard firmware it is not and is not expected. The search for the compiled MC was also unsuccessful - all the arm versions built for the processor do not work on this device. If you do not want to, you'll have to collect mc (Midnight Commander) for NAS Seagate Central by yourself. We need to cross-compile this file manager for the ARM processor of this drive ...


How to transfer applications to the SD card Samsung Galaxy Y S5360.

2017-04-20 11:33:00 (читать в оригинале)

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How to transfer applications to the SD card  Samsung Galaxy Y S5360.

Recently I got a smartphone Samsung Galaxy Y S5360. The device is from a class of budget smartphones, which are called - "cheap and angry". And of course, for such a price there is little built-in memory, only 190 MB. Install 5-6 applications and everything, hello, " internal phone memory is full" or "Low memory android" and so on. But on this occasion there is nothing to be upset, since the phone supports an external SD-memory card up to 32 GB. The phone has applications that can be transferred to the SD card by standard phone tools and there are applications that do not support transferring to external storage media.  Here they are, we will try to persuade them to move to a new place of residence ...


How to configure the hardware acceleration of Google Chrome on Ubuntu.

2017-04-19 09:56:31 (читать в оригинале)

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How to configure the hardware acceleration of Google Chrome on Ubuntu.

I took note of the method for setting hardware acceleration (GPU) in Google Chrome. It's no secret that in most applications in Ubuntu hardware acceleration must be included directly in the application itself. These functions are disabled by default in applications, apparently because hardware acceleration may not be configured in the system itself and this can lead to the failure of the application itself. Based on the fact that DRI is already set up for me, I decided to check whether the acceleration is enabled in Google Chrome? ДTo do this, I typed in the address bar of the browser "chrome://gpu" and saw the next picture ...


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