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The beauty of women
The beauty of women
Голосов: 0
Адрес блога: http://enbubu.ru
Добавлен: 2014-03-30 23:26:24


2014-03-25 20:46:20 (читать в оригинале)

As painted in the winter? How to choose winter makeup? After all, you were waiting on the street wind, frost or moisture, and indoor air is often too dry heating devices. To save a flawless look to evening, try to perform some simple recommendations cosmetologists: Tip 1. Moisturizing or nourishing cream?More suitable for winter nourishing — because it contained the components of the skin will be perfectly protected from redness, will not peel off and annoyed. And in such skin care needs of any type — even oily suffer in the cold season from the negative effects of cold. Tip 2. How to choose the «winter» foundation?For an optimum embodiment [...]

BASIC RULES OF WINTER MAKEUP is a post from: The beauty of women

Тэги: makeup


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