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Kir Kolyshkin
Kir Kolyshkin
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://k001.livejournal.com/
Добавлен: 2008-02-19 12:45:30 блограйдером Lurk

2011-03-22 14:07:43 (читать в оригинале)

I switched locale of my Google Nexus One phone (running CyanogenMod 7) to Russian in order to try Google Navigation a couple of days ago. I am usually using English as the words are smaller than in Russian (so you can see more on the screen) and generally English tends to be the «first-class» language for developers.

Last night I woke up at about 2am and went to kitchen to grab a bite, and used my phone to see something (I don't remember). I noticed a couple of very bad bugs in Russian translation, and was in a mood to immediately fix it.

In a couple of hours I had CyanogenMod repository checked out on my laptop and Gerrit (the code review system they use) account created. Some more time was needed to figure out how to specify a different user name for Gerrit than then one I use in email.

Then I invested some time into biting the bugs out of Russian localization. I started with CMParts and was using English strings as a reference. Apparently, English version was also a bit buggy, so I ended up with a patch for it as well.

I went to bed at 8am having three patches submitted and one half-ready. I finished it when I woke up at 10am. Here they are (in Gerrit for review):
[CMParts] English translation: assorted cleanups
[CMParts] Russian translation: misc fixes
[CMParts] Translations: remove unused strings
[apps_Mms] Improved Russian translation

I am ashamed by the quality of Russian localization. Terrible examples include «localization» of smileys, like having :-П instead of :-P, absence of punctuation, plain typos (like a missing or wrong character: "папкет" (пакет), "отключенно" (отключено), "Настроки" (Настройки) etc.) and just weird phrasing ("т.к. она является по умолчанию").

Тэги: android, google, homemade, linux, nexus, one


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