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Kir Kolyshkin
Kir Kolyshkin
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://k001.livejournal.com/
Добавлен: 2008-02-19 12:45:30 блограйдером Lurk

Publishing of Virtuozzo builds

2015-07-01 20:04:45 (читать в оригинале)

Ну что, понеслось!

Originally posted by estetus at Publishing of Virtuozzo builds

We are ready to announce publishing of binaries compiled from open components:

  • Virtuozzo installation ISO image

  • RPM packages (kernel and userspace)

  • Source RPM packages (kernel and userspace)

  • Debug RPM packages (kernel and userspace)

  • EZ templates (CentOS 7 x86_64, CentOS 6 x86_64 etc)

All installation paths described in OpenVZ wiki.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: Can we use binaries or Virtuozzo distribution in production?
A: No. Virtuozzo 7 is in pre-Beta stage and we strongly recommend to avoid any production use. We continue to develop new features and Virtuozzo 7 may contain serious bugs.

Q: Would it be possible to upgrade from Beta 1 to Beta 2?
A: Upgrade will be supported only for OpenVZ installed on Cloud Linux (i.e. using Virtuozzo installation image of OpenVZ installed using yum on Cloud Linux).

Q: How often you will update Virtuozzo 7 files?
A: RPM package (and yum repository) - nightly, ISO image - weekly.

Q: I don't want to use your custom kernel or distribution. How to use OpenVZ on my own Linux distribution? A: We plan to make available OpenVZ for vanilla kernels and we are working on it. If you want it - please help us with testing and contribute patches [2]. Pay attention that using OpenVZ with vanilla kernel will have some limitations because some required kernel changes are not in upstream yet.


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