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Yourfreedombusiness - Your guide in Business & LifeStyle » Yourf
Yourfreedombusiness - Your guide in Business & LifeStyle » Yourf
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Адрес блога: http://yourfreedombusiness.com
Добавлен: 2014-12-28 18:16:02

Following an exercise prescription

2014-12-28 12:41:37 (читать в оригинале)

Following an exercise prescription Even before you walk in your doctor’s office, you know the merits of exercise. Yet, whether you have made excuses to not exercise or have had a medical condition that has hindered your efforts, having your doctor give you an exercise prescription, or orders to start some regimen of regular physical activity, can be daunting. Exercise is good for you, will make you feel better, and shouldn’t be something you fear. Here is a simple guide to following your doctor’s orders to get moving. Exercise prescription Perhaps, you’ve been told by your healthcare professional you need to lose weight and/or start exercising regularly to improve your health, particularly if you have or are at risk for heart disease or diabetes. View this exercise prescription as an opportunity for long-term health. You know the benefits of regular exercise – improves cardiovascular health, helps control blood sugar, and promotes emotional health, to name just a few – but, if you don’t have much of an exercise history, you probably don’t know exactly how or where to start. You may even find exercise all the more intimidating if you have chronic conditions that cause pain, such as fibromyalgia or arthritis, or […]

Тэги: exercise, following, lifestyle_other, prescription


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