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Новые материалы :: Республика Саха Якутия

Инвестиционное послание Главы городского округа «город Якутск» на 2016 год

2016-05-26 13:26:00 (читать в оригинале)

красная книга Якутии. Мох

2016-05-26 13:21:00 (читать в оригинале)



Во время Ысыаха Туймаады пройдет II Международный фестиваль кумыса

2016-05-25 17:02:00 (читать в оригинале)


2016-05-25 01:12:00 (читать в оригинале)

 Gold, diamonds, platinum, precious stones, mammoth tusks, gold nuggets, jewelry ... amazing eyes do not tear.

Yakutia - is 95% of Russian diamond production and 15% of gold production. The vast, almost unimaginable wealth. Treasury of the Republic of Sakha -. A successful attempt to provide at least a small part of it
I invite to look at the treasures


2016-05-25 01:12:00 (читать в оригинале)

 Sketches of travel in the North-Eastern Siberia. EV Dinah Pfizenmaier; Translated from German by H. Neumann
in 1902 by the river Berezovka, right tributary which flows into the Arctic Ocean Kolyma River, 320 kilometers to the northeast of Average - Kolymsk was found the corpse of a mammoth locals. Local residents who were on-site findings, reported that the dead body is very well preserved. The Academy of Sciences has decided to equip an expedition to survey and excavation of this new discovery. The head of the expedition was elected had previously traveled through Siberia entomologist DF Hertz. As an assistant he was given DN Sevastyanov and EV Dinah Pfizenmaier, sketches of which travel, we publish below.

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