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Адрес блога: http://folimds.tumblr.com/
Добавлен: 2016-04-17 01:45:37 блограйдером fiweru

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Последний оставленный отзыв:

— We were in a cave. And that soldier — too. We three remained to cover withdrawal. Everything, visited a cave, shall die. Except Hanzy-chazool кредит под залог квартиры. But чазоол I knew nothing about a raft. Now he thinks that we are dead.

— You knew what so will be? — Shinkarev has asked. Mister Li Wang Wei has smiled in rare moustaches:

— Smart is able to get out of trouble, wise does not get to it. I hope, we have arrived as smart people, if did not leave with wisdom. As spoke to Sun Tzu: "There is time to win victories, but there is also time to avoid defeat when courage is necessary not for battle, and for flight". In this flight we need enough courage.

— And if чазоол then meets us in the steppe кредит под залог квартиры? It is dangerous?

— A lot of things are dangerous. How your clothes?

— Still wet.

— You wants to eat?

— I want.

— In case of the correct meditation it is possible to receive energy directly from Space. But for you it is still too difficult, right? — The master has grinned. — So let's eat. Because it is told: "Wise chiefs care for the subordinates". I have collected something there кредит под залог квартиры, on a settlement — dry cheese, air-dried meat.

Having had a bite, they have pushed off a raft and poles have distilled it on a midstream. The strong river has gone quickly, but exactly. The river was crossed by the long evening shadows falling from a coastal taiga кредит под залог квартиры. Tops of the darkened mountains caught the last sun, lighting up bright green spots.

Добавлен блограйдером fiweru


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