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Peach fruit benefits for the treatment of obesity

2016-02-29 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

A team of US researchers to reach a new and exciting information on fruit Peach and its role in the fight against obesity and to contribute to the elimination, where pointed out that this fruit contains many vital effectively able to fight obesity and get rid of kilos and calories excess natural compounds.

Peach fruit benefits for the treatment of obesity

These results were broadcast in a scientific conference recently convened by the American Chemical Society in Philadelphia, and was attended by a group of scientists and university professors in the world.

The researchers pointed out that the peach contains a unique combination of natural compounds have an active role in the treatment of imbalances in the private human beings metabolic system that accompanies obesity, which eerily spread recently became threaten the health of hundreds of millions of people worldwide.

The researchers followed the peach contains a set of phenolic compounds, have anti-inflammatory properties and anti-obesity, and it has a complementary effect with each other, and deal with the cell through several strategies contribute in the end by reducing the percentage of fat and burning, levels, Examples of such phenolic compounds

"Anthocyanins" and "clorogenic acids" and "quercetin" and "catechines".

Researchers are more and elaborated in the work of peach mechanism, pointing out that these materials work together in an integrated manner and talked impact anti-obesity on many cells the human body, most notably the fat cells and endothelial cells and Almacrawfaj, which promotes at the end of the effect of fat loss, and also that those materials It has the ability to reduce the harm oxidized LDL cholesterol and blood vessels, including in the end reduces the risk of heart disease as well.

Food/diet - Health News

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