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Food/diet - Health News
Food/diet - Health News
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://diet-health-news.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2016-04-24 18:35:27 блограйдером zerber22

The fact slimming tablets, damage slimming pills, slimming pills

2016-05-17 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

The fact slimming tablets, damage slimming pills, slimming pills"Obesity are the hearts of obese people are not felt by others," the phrase was probably imagine a reality experienced by category not too bad of people, but at the same time may be inaccurate, as there are of hair mind of this category, but instead of that supplying them with hands-help and assistance taking exploits them and traded Brahman and exploits of eagerness to get rid of heavy  claim his ability to rescue them by various means, and this "exploiter" may appear in several dresses: Sometimes appears in dress health center announcing "Ramjet" magic, was tempted obese latest the findings of the science of devices eliminate obesity in a few days, and sometimes appears in a dress "sage herbs" Legend Asian worker to do the "huge" advertising campaign on the doors of mosques and homes announcing blends claims as "natural herbs" able to dissolve the harmful grease, and in Other times assume this "exploiter" dress pharmacist a witty tongue divorced his words sweet obese attracts exhibitors them with magical effect pills do not cost any physical fatigue in doing Brigg am exhausted.
The fact slimming tablets, damage slimming pills, slimming pills
One of the newspapers open a file these pills, and met with specialists in the pharmaceutical analysis, revealed the damage bad and complications resulting from addressed. Specialists and detection as well as some companies do these drugs by claiming that their medication is made up of natural herbs, which are in fact contain pharmaceuticals, but also revealed that some of these drugs - despite the bad effects - exposed to the process of tradition and sold as genuine.

All kinds of slimming effects pills Prime medicines and herbs analysis section says King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center in Riyadh, the slimming pills variety and branching out into major categories. First: What was manufactured from herbs such as: "Alvaatoshib" which contains the plant year Senna - a laxative substance - and it contains a substance Alrdictal a chemical inhibit appetite, as well, such as: beans, "Merritt" that come from East Asia, the drugs contain strong laxatives such as anthraquinone material. Parasite reveals that these discs contaminated shot and arsenic, and adds a bit to the two types of tea called "slimming tea."
That these drugs contain Mnhvh materials, and also contains a detrimental effect when frequent use for a long time, because it Mnhvh and laxative substances that cause loss of human fluid body feels benzene weight plant materials, as these materials prevent food absorption fully absorbed come out without absorption, and within what as well as out of salt (sodium, potassium and magnesium) and these have a detrimental effect on the heart, and out of magnesium cause a risk to the heart, as it leads to weakness Adilth, and causes as well as diabetes, in addition to the grain facilitating deprive the body of some important vitamins for the human body and vitamins in food.
The frequent use of this type of grain cause continuous diarrhea accompanied by the loss of the lining of the small intestine and the large intestine and the loss of these membranes cause out white pieces with stool has accompanied well out blood, and different complications of pollutants on these pills from one person to another depending on the amount used and depending on the duration of use.
And reveal the head of hardware and Studies Department at the Central Laboratory for the analysis of medicines and food in the Ministry of Health that  lotion is licensed by the Ministry of Health, and is marketed in a manner contrary pills, and show that this product is mainly composed of "extracted from a cactus plant patience," one of the most powerful laxatives , not recommended except in cases of extreme necessity very small quantity, and excessive use causes a lack of fluids and minerals the body, which irritates the stomach and increases the sensitivity of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and has bad effects on children and pregnant and lactating women; it contains material anthraquinone that increase bowel movement.
Also included in the Alvaatoshib "gum Cambodia," the components of the main ingredient to him, "Hydroxy citric acid" which is found in citrus fruits as well, and there is not installed Studies says stop eating conversion of non-fatty into fats process and therefore lowers cholesterol, as there are studies say it increases the production of " Glycogen "in the liver, as well as reduces appetite.Fraud in slimming drugs .. "Ohchwe and ill-Under"Not only did the "exploiters fat" from selling drugs may harm him, but others have a tradition of these drugs and manufacture of inferior materials, may increase insult to injury, he says, the central lab for pharmaceutical, food director at the Ministry of Health had been the work of a field survey for the local market in collaboration with medical and pharmacy licenses management, During those tours observed the presence of some samples of lotion Xenical and Riedktal imitation of the original product.Zanekal snob proved that the lack of effective the article, The Ricanutal made the snob him in a very poor and contrary to what should be the pharmaceuticals.And it illustrates the central laboratory director, that the difference between the original and counterfeit products across the photos attached; even easier for the consumer to identify the original product from the first look.Tips for each religionIf all these complications and damage resulting from the slimming pills, what is the best solution to get rid of obesity?Must treat obesity under the supervision of a physician; as the types of obesity vary from one person to another, some obese  due to water retention, and others is a fat; therefore it is necessary to know the obesity type when specialists to learn successful ways to get rid of them, and to get rid optimization of obesity These tips you rank the following steps:
1. conduct a full medical examination on the body of knowledge of obesity and the health status of the body type.
2. change our system so completely underestimate the amount gradually eating food and care about the type and amount of calories in it.
3. Increase drink liquids, especially water and green tea and ginger, as well as various herbs that are known to have a role in fat burning.
4. moderate walking and sitting; it has proved to sit properly burn 100 calories which leads to loss of Grameen kilo per week.
5. Use the means of alleviating the excessive weight of the people in obesity consult a medical obesity The owners of the first class, the solution for them is applying self-restraint and follow mentioned from 1 to 3.

Food/diet - Health News

How to reverse pre diabetes…crisis now affects 80 million, 16 Ways to Lose Weight Fast, Once again diabetes drugs shown to cause heart failure, Ways to help prevent snoring, Rumen risks and ways to get rid of it, Obesity affects intelligence and the child's development, First Ab Belt Toning system cleared by the FDA, The Flex Belt®, Blood sugar high what to eat? This can really help, Help for Obesity? What really works, Child thinnest problem causes and treatment,

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2016-05-16 01:17:00 (читать в оригинале)

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Child thinnest problem causes and treatment

2016-05-14 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Problems thinnest children causes and methods of treatmentWe have talked in the previous topics on childhood obesity and methods of treatment On this subject we will talk about the thinnest children causes and methods of treatmentOur children are the reason for our happiness and a great concern for their future and their own health and for the piece recommend mothers when notice any abnormal symptoms your child

 please go to a medical specialist for the early detection of the child, especially in the early stages of the age of a week and up to 9 years have already us to talk about childhood obesity and its problems and their causes and methods of treatment todayTalking about the problem of child thinnest and risks and their causes and methods of treatment and the piece even our children enjoy good health child greatly affect the structure of the muscle and the natural incrementation and rate your child's Activity

Child thinnest problem causes and treatment
 The reasons for the thinnest children:

- Malnutrition: The loss of the child's body to one of the important nutrients needed makes it vulnerable to extreme thinness, so you must be an integrated child nutrition and you can identify the proper diet for your child are the optimal diet for the child- Eating habits wrong: so that does not deal with the child those useful Food and replaces it with some  that do not fall within diet properly, and is thus the cause of the  and do not lead these foods first goal of us the child's body and supplied with vitamins, minerals and proteins required for the growth of your child's health goodAnd also at the division of the child's daily meals to three main meals and add some snacks between them, so it's better to focus on eating vegetables and fruits and all the necessary nutrients.- Genetic reasons: genetic causes often play a big role in the injury of some diseases, including the thinnest children may be caused by the thinnest of the child worker genetically and in that case you must make sure the doctor in charge- Childhood diseases: the most famous glands that may lead to a significant loss in weight disorders in children, which leads to loss of appetite in most cases and it is not welcome eating, which leads to excessive thinness- Medicines: that the child eat some medicines that cause a feeling of anorexia has a strong effect on his health, you should consult your doctor to replace the drugs that lose  medicines, does not contain those side effects- Mental state: The child suffered a bad  cases of psychological depression for a long time affect his appetite and activity of the stomach, leading to excess exposure to the thinnest.

Treatment thinnest children:- Good role model: Children's looking for someone to make him an example to them  tradition of what he does without thinking, so parents have to be in the food that's their tactics.- Eating habits: The child's daily meals divided into three main meals and add some snacks, including is the best method, which is recommended by child nutrition experts to focus on eating vegetables and fruits and all the necessary nutrients.- Consult your doctor: you should consult your doctor if the child has become a slimmed remarkable attention, and must be periodically reviewed to take height and weight frequently to preserve the natural and ideal rate of weight.Thus create reasons and remedies for the thinnest of the child, and parents avoid any danger that might threaten the health of their child at risk.And in order to provide a detailed article on the thinnest childThe child may be thin or less of weight for several reasons which worries parents and makes them always thinking of how toOpen their child's appetite to impart more weight. But every mother should take caution when trying to raise her baby weight so as not toLearned negative eating habits can lead to obesity in the future. In contrast, the child must slim diet depends onHealthy foods give him the calories and nutrients it needs to grow. There are several factors on whichMust assess the weight of the child, such as if the thin since childhood or the fact that his parents are of thinness Monday. And every mother is also aware thatThe baby's weight may change with advanced age and during different stages of growth. If your child has increased along before that weighed more than he mayIt seems thin and less than normal weight, and may increase the weight of the child more than the rate of increase in length would be eligible for obesity. And if youWant the exact weight if your child is less than the normal rate, you have to go by the doctor who will evaluate weightAnd diet.The doctor will examine all factors and assess your child's food habits and general health, and the doctor also will ask the mother about whetherThe child is suffering from any health problems may have led to the loss of weight such as diarrhea and vomiting.To decide that your child is skinny or underweight, should be compared to weight rates available:At birth rate 5/2 to 5/3 kg, this weight is increasing at a rate of140-225 grams per week in the first five months of the year.After the second year increased weight at a rate of 1.5-2 kg to adulthood?If your child does not eat the necessary quantities him, you is to begin to change your eating habits, but may  to change habitsFood for the whole family. If, for example, you can depend on fast small meals, you is to begin in setting a date to meetThe entire dining on the table family. You can  meal enjoyable by running some music.At first, if you want to open your child's appetite, So try to progressive him his favorite food even if it is some healthyOne thing and then you can you offer him more healthy options in addition to some basic snacks between mealsMay increase the calorie child.Give your child large amounts of carbohydrates and health of bread, pasta, rice and potatoes, but at leastYour child should eat meat once a day and you can also have a progressive chicken or fish or turkey becauseProtein will help in building a child's muscles. The dairy products should help to normalize bone growth.  had to resort to sweetsAt first to open the child's appetite. You have to be creative when choosing foods that  for your child.The mother to begin to focus on ways to increase the number of calories consumed by her child. You can, for example, thatEncourage your child to eat two eggs instead of eggs at breakfast, in addition to that you can also encourage your child toEat small meals during the day include raisins or nuts. You will also be evaluating the addition of olive oil or cheeseGrated your child to soup.Here are some types of high-calorie foods that you can make to increase your child's weight:Dairy products: whole milk cheese - chis- Garik- yogurt - Ice Karim PuddingProtein: Whit- peanut butter nuts -Carbohydrates: bread - cheese - pasta - Altos- mashed potatoesDo not let your child feel that you increase the weight Seeing all the time so as not to feel any kind of pressure and make the kinds of commandWeight control limited only to visit the doctor once a month. If you want to increase your child's weight  him in his mealsExcessive fat,  fat contains nine calories compared to 4 calories in a gram of protein or carbohydrate.And you have to learn that whole milk, yogurt contains fewer calories and potassium, protein, calcium, more thanSkimmed milk.The child should drink whole milk to us until the age of two years, but if your child's weight lower than normal, you canYou keep giving him full-fat to us after two years.

Food/diet - Health News

Gastric banding caused more complications than weight loss, Foods that actually help to speed up your metabolism, Low-carb diet good for people with type 2 diabetes, Newlywed shuns chemotherapy for carrots, The risk of child obesity, Parkinson's disease may be treatable with two existing antimalaria drugs, What to eat with Pre diabetes? An Answer, The fact slimming tablets, damage slimming pills, slimming pills, The best natural way to breast enlargement, What can help with the diabetes explosion as more young people are dying?,

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