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Food/diet - Health News
Food/diet - Health News
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://diet-health-news.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2016-04-24 18:35:27 блограйдером zerber22

Simple ways to lose 20 kilos in a month

2016-03-06 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Diet how most of us hated that word Who among us did not try to lose some weight and in what time he goes back to the problem of obesity Today we offer simple tips to lose 20 kilos in one month I'm sick of the diet and strenuous exercise you do every dayToday we offer you a solution 20 simple advice that will help you to lose 20 kilos in just one month by following the tips only70% of those who suffer from obesity are caused by an error in habits or lifestyle

 We'll show some wrong habits practiced by most of us
And tried to replace those habits following health advice, which we'll tell them and see how much weight differed in only one month and as this will affect your health

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 Many welfare

That most poor communities are largely nonexistent rate of obesity and this is due to the daily conditions faced by individual

1. The use of air conditioners

When a person continuously live in the same environment comfortable temperatures, the body does not strain itself to adapt to the ambient temperature, both trying to cool the body or heated, and thus increase the probabilities of obesity To advise the piece after the operation of the Adaptation during sleep so as not to increase the probabilities of elderly

2-watch TV the wrong way

That sitting for long hours in front of the TV rights affects apathy and laziness tried to hours watching TV no more than two hours and the piece in order to preserve your health and to reduce the likelihood of injury from obesity overcharged because the lack of movement and not to exercise any physical activity cause obesity and the accumulation of fat within the body.

3 - Sleeping in Light:

In a study at the National Academy of Sciences, the mice were exposed to dim light at night, and found that weight increased by 50% in eight weeks, compared to mice that slept in complete darkness. Similarly, the same results can be applied to humans.

4. Lack of sleep:

People who do not get enough sleep they become susceptible to obesity. A number of hormonal changes occur in the body when they do not get enough sleep. Lack of sleep stimulates hunger, as they make the body in the case of fatigue makes him unable to make the effort, and thus help to gain more weight.

5 - lack of discipline in sleep schedules

The lack of discipline in the sleep schedules of the most important reasons that lead to obesity tried to determine the timing of your sleep and you wake up to a date not exceeding the number of hours sleep for 8 hours a day

6. eat prepared foods

That eating ready-made foods, the biggest threat to human health, you do not know the material which they are made Fa in most cases materials are saturated fat and materials peacekeepers, leading to damage to your health and increase your weight if you prefer those foods you can work at home using more materials Health and we will open section Entries in the cuisine of the most important and popular methods of cooking professionally

7-eat between meals makes this infection is very high weight gain


8-sleep after eating meals directly is one of the leading causes of obesity.

9. use the car in a way exaggerated

Tried to dispense with the car in the nearby walks and spectrum to increase the movement of the body, increasing the proportion of fat burningUndermine the food and relax

10-After you dine out to do a job light picnic  even helps the stomach to digest food and lack of accumulation of fat

And to meet soon in the second part of the tip 20 to lose 20 kilos in a month

Food/diet - Health News

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