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Food/diet - Health News
Food/diet - Health News
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Адрес блога: http://diet-health-news.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2016-04-24 18:35:27 блограйдером zerber22

Ways of narrowing the vagina after childbirth

2016-04-29 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

Ways of narrowing the vagina after childbirthHe complains a lot of women in the post-pregnancy result of  vaginal birth and that they no longer feel the same pleasure during intercourse, leading to psychological and social damageMadam day in order to provide easier solutions to narrow the vagina until it is back as it was known to the man most women prefer vaginal narrow because it increases the raised and  case for women  means more funAnd we'll talk later about the subject of rollover sexual relationship for women
Ways of narrowing the vagina after childbirth
There are many ways to treat the problem of ninths vagina first of illusions is a sport and exercise the muscles of the vagina, which is well known so many women who have succeeded in narrowing , but here in this article  very easy way may also be enjoyable to narrow the vagina is excellent for all women until the firstborn, where it is known so Everyone loves that guy vagina narrow diameter of the needle, even if the mirror and joy increases the more narrow her vagina.It is known that vaginal muscles are part of the muscles of the pelvic floor wall and these muscles linked to each other but are almost single muscle, for example, muscle LED anal surround the vagina also relate to the greatness of the front pelvic muscle valve urinary stream is the same as the muscle responsible for the movement of the vagina and contraction For this reason, in Many of the disadvantages of luck women develop urinary incontinence or inability to urine control after birth and at widening LEGS, it is known that the muscles are getting stronger Ida moved against resistance and so like, for example, weight lifting so that the most important roads in order to strengthen the muscles of the vagina are the following:Sex with the husband and the bladder filled with urine, yes, this method is very useful because the wife during sexual intercourse will change every effort to prevent urine from going out so that the arrest firmly on the pelvic muscles, including the muscles of the vagina, bladder and rectum Also, the pair is the contrast is a resistance (weight) where Each penetration is forcing muscles wife  to stretch and wife will increase the strength of contraction and so forth, this way you will strengthen the muscles of the vagina and the narrowing of the vagina fairly at least 50% in most women within 6 months in case the work of exercise a day.Also, this method prevents the so-called phenomenon Blower, a phenomenon that occurs when the vagina is room and the wall of the outer vagina flurried It is a full vagina air during intercourse leading to embarrassment and lack of fun also, if the bladder is full of urine will work to fill the tub and thus the lack of place vacant conditioning and significantly reduce the problem of Blower.More than 95% of women in the United States have benefited from this exercise has changed the course of their lives, it is not sweeter than that owns the mirror strong vagina and her partner pleasure of sex and life.

 Second, in order to dedicate best exercises narrowing the vagina with an explanation of all steps photographer
It may be the first time you hear the term Kegel exercises are also called pelvic floor exercises work to strengthen the muscles of the rectum, vagina Although these muscles are very strong but it is likely to be weak because of growing pressure on the uterus and pelvic muscles. And the benefit of the men and women they help women in the treatment of leakage of urine or feces and tighten the tissue around the vagina as well as to soften the vaginal muscles and make intimate relationship more fun in addition to the narrowing of the vagina after repeated natural birth that cause widening of the vagina. It also works to reduce pain during natural childbirth.And the reason for resorting to these exercises is to increase the size of the vagina after birth and may lead to a weakening of the pelvic muscles and also the factors that lead to the weakness of the pelvic muscles and are as follows: aging, weight gain, abdominal surgery. And these muscles  U-shaped and these exercises are working on targeting strengthen these muscles. And there are many other benefits to women after practice Hegel exercises regularly and advised exercising during pregnancy, during delivery, the following years to have children 

Ways of narrowing the vagina after childbirth
 Pictures Kegel exercises for women and their benefits:
1. Reduce the urine or stool incontinence:
When evaluating these exercises help in improving the pelvic floor muscles and is responsible for the ability to hold urine .. and women should perform this exercise during pregnancy and after birth and obese women benefit from these exercises and surgical procedures governing the abdomen, such as caesarean section all these As mentioned factors lead to the weakness of the pelvic muscles, resulting in incontinence.
2. increase orgasm in women:
There are a large number of women complain that they are not able to achieve orgasm. And may well be due to the lack of a sense of the vagina during practice intimacy relationship. Kegel exercises are useful in this case because many of the studies that Ozkrt strengthen pelvic muscles exercises lead to stronger orgasms and more.

 3. According to women during pregnancy:
One of the benefits of Kegel exercises for women who prepare for the birth is that the muscles of the pelvic floor exercises and women for the next stages of processing for pregnancy and birth as it reduces the pain during pregnancy.4. treatment of depression and breadth of the vagina:Kegel exercises have a positive effect on the uterine prolapse and help prevent prolapse of the uterus and reduce the severity of the decline as a result of narrowing of the vaginal birth expanding.

Things you should tell her about the practice of Kegel exercises:

It is very easy to do Kegel exercises.
Kegel exercises you can do at any time when you have free time.
You can do Kegel exercises in the car, office or while standing.
The practice of Kegel exercises for women method:Kegel exercises described for the first time in 1948 by Dr. Arnold Kegel, a gynecologist who discovered non-surgical exercises to achieve genital muscles relax. And when you insert Kegel exercises in your daily routine helps in the treatment of pelvic problems.
The first part, the processing of the exercise:1. Determine the pelvic muscles:
Before you do Kegel exercises should Thdda pelvic muscles. And to determine the most common pelvic muscles way is to try to urine flow and note the area from which the steam. Try muscle accurately determine even sure your muscles that are right and exercise is the area between the hips and carrying genitals.

Advised to consult a doctor before practice Kegel exercises to see if Dickey any medical problems may prevent you from exercising these exercises safely.
Exercise is not recommended Kegel exercises during urination because it will have the opposite effect and weaken your muscles
2. You can use the woman to determine the Kegel muscles:
If Knin having difficulty in identifying the pelvic muscles. You can put a hand mirror at the bottom of the anal region and the region is the skin between the vagina and anus. Women can enter her finger into the vagina to try to tighten the muscle, you will feel increasing pressure on the finger.3. national unlocks and the extension of muscles:
Of ways to perform this exercise, work to capture and extend the muscles that are working to control the flow of urine. When you do this you will feel mild contractions in the area and the bottom of the aquarium is the urinary tract and anal area in the case of feeling contractions in the muscles of the stomach or the rear must Rickard that this is not the target muscle.

You can do this way two or three times during the day.
4. Make sure your bladder completely empty.
Before exercising this exercise must be sure your bladder is empty and there is no leakage. And studies have shown that to examine the bladder before practice Kegel exercises gives good results and effective and increases efficiency.5. focus on tightening the pelvic floor muscles only:
Must Kegel exercises focus only these muscles and avoid strengthening the other muscles such as the rear or the abdomen and Lake so you get better results. And not recommended the imprisonment of breath during practice these exercises, you should breathe freely during exercise and not to catch other muscles mentioned by .

Of the correct way to achieve muscle relaxation is lay hands on the stomach during exercise workout.
If Harta a little pain in the back or abdomen after practice Kegel exercises is an indication of  do not lead the exercises correctly.
6. Find the comfortable position of the body:
You can practice these exercises either sit on the chair or lying on the ground. All Thtagy him is to make sure that the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks relaxed. If U DO Kegel exercises while lying down on your back with your arms by your side put

Ways of narrowing the vagina after childbirth

Ways of narrowing the vagina after childbirth

Ways of narrowing the vagina after childbirth

Ways of narrowing the vagina after childbirth

Ways of narrowing the vagina after childbirth

Ways of narrowing the vagina after childbirth

Ways of narrowing the vagina after childbirth
 The second part, practice Kegel exercises:1. pressure on the pelvic floor muscles for 5 seconds:When the pelvic floor is national locate muscles by clicking on it to build five seconds for five seconds may be long for starters so we recommend pressing for 2-3 seconds at the beginning and then gradually increase.
2. extension of the muscles for 10 seconds:Effective ways to the success of Kegel exercises are the extension of the muscles for 10 seconds before repeating the exercise because this period is sufficient to relax the muscles. So before you start repeating the national exercise counting from one to ten.
3. repeat the exercise ten times:
Should one group of Kegel exercises include ten iterations and so when you press and catch the muscles for five seconds and then relax for 10 seconds and repeat it ten times. Valuation should be set per ten times 3-4 times a day.
4. pressure on the pelvic floor muscles for ten seconds at a time:After a period of exercise of exercise you can increase the pressure on the pelvic floor muscles for 10 seconds and preferably not increase it. This is the ideal time for each group with repeat it 3-4 times a day
5. Lift legs a bit:One of the conditions that help in the practice of Kegel exercises is to raise the legs off the ground for 5 seconds and then return to the starting point slowly, it is advisable to do so 10 times in a row.

 Ways of narrowing the vagina after childbirth

 Ways of narrowing the vagina after childbirth

 Ways of narrowing the vagina after childbirth
Part III, to get the results:
1. Exercise Kegel exercises 3-4 times a day:
Conti If you wanna get effective results must MAKE these exercises part of your daily routine and practice 3-4 times a day. Look for it and the proper way to do it in the morning and in the afternoon and in the evening with scheduling to perform this exercise.
2. You can insert Kegel exercises when you're busy:The most important features of Kegel exercises is that you can do in any time and easily at your desk or while eating with friends or when relaxing on the couch. Once you know where the pelvic floor muscles Tsttaa do these exercises at any time and any place.

You can insert Kegel exercises during the examination of e-mail you with careful not to practice Kegel exercises during urination associated with urinary incontinence.

3. You can get the results in a few months:
If Knin practiced Kegel exercises regularly will you get an interesting outcome, it will help in the prevention of infection of the urinary tract problems. Some women may feel frustrated by the lack of access to good results, but according to reports by the National Institutes of Health will be able to get effective results within 4-6 weeks.

 4 You can ask for help if you do not exercise the ability to exercise the right way
Your doctor can determine where the pelvic floor muscles so well. If Qhumica exercise Kegel exercises for several months and did you notice any results, have you must seek help from your doctor.

     The doctor will use electrical stimulation device to help you determine the pelvic floor muscles.

5. juncturae practice Kegel exercises If Knin Trgbe in the treatment of urinary incontinence:

If you wanna Conti maintain strong muscles and urinary incontinence treatment should be communicative practice Kegel exercises even after months of exercise to see good results.

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