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Food/diet - Health News
Food/diet - Health News
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://diet-health-news.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2016-04-24 18:35:27 блограйдером zerber22

How to reverse pre diabetes…crisis now affects 80 million

2016-10-26 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

More people will be seeking how to reverse pre diabetes as a new government report reveals that over 80 million people in the United States are affected with the condition. High blood sugar is one of the most destructive illnesses; there is no disease quite like excessive blood glucose. When seeking how to reverse pre diabetes the key will always be in a healing diet.

High blood sugar has become a global crisis, more than 300 million people worldwide are not obtaining a normal blood sugar, and this is leading to other serious health complications. The heart and kidneys are put under extreme distress when excessive glucose remains in the bloodstream. Each year high blood sugar is responsible for a large number of strokes, kidney failures and heart attacks. Glucose in the body is necessary for optimal health but continued excessive glucose becomes a poison through out the system. There is not one cell of the body which is not affected by high blood sugar, even the brain suffers. People with high blood sugar are at increased risk of Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Learning how to reverse pre diabetes is crucial, healing food is your best defense. A sugar free diet does not produce a normal blood sugar but a healing diet does!

Food and healing

Readers of this site are well aware that the right foods in the right combination can produce a normal blood sugar level without the need for medications. Most people have type 2 high blood sugar, which can be reversed in most cases without medications. 

Breakfast is essential

It is shocking that many diabetics are still starting their day without breakfast, protein is a necessity to help main a normal blood sugar through out the day. A study from the University of Missouri found that people who ate breakfast (with good protein) experienced appropriate glucose responses after lunch. What they showed is that for the diabetic all means are not the same, the breakfast is the key to a normal blood sugar through out the day.  The researchers suggested about 25 grams of protein, which means you will need at least 2 eggs. You can also have 2 glasses of whole milk with a nice chunk of cheese. You can also have a slice of meat and cheese with toast.

Those who skip breakfast are setting themselves up for trouble through out the day. When seeking how to reverse pre diabetes make sure you are getting a good breakfast with protein like eggs or whole milk not (non or low fat).

Our diet to reverse high blood sugar without drugs is now used in over 17 countries. It is still the number one diet to get a normal blood sugar without drugs. 

Type 2 reverse Diabetes Diet produces a normal blood sugar in 17 countries

Food/diet - Health News

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