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Food/diet - Health News
Food/diet - Health News
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://diet-health-news.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2016-04-24 18:35:27 блограйдером zerber22

The Carb Lover’s Diet taking America by storm

2017-02-17 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

The Carb Lover’s Diet is a diet plan which, the authors claim, guarantees rapid but long-term weight loss. Both authors are vehemently against the low-carb message, believing Atkins-style diets are difficult, unnatural and ineffective long-term. They claim our bodies and brains have evolved to eat starchy foods and willpower alone can only hold back on centuries of evolution for so long before we crack and all those good intentions are lost to a carb-rich feeding frenzy. studies have shown that not all carbs are bad. Some contain a substance called resistant starch which, when consumed in quantity, actively encourages weight loss. Found in ordinary foods — such as bananas, oats, beans and potatoes — resistant starch is so-called because it appears to resist digestion. Kunes and Largeman-Roth have devised and tested a diet that promises weight loss without carb-denial, which hinges on resistant starch. They quote more than 200 studies at respected universities around the world, which show resistant starch to be an effective appetite suppressant and metabolism booster.

Advanced Health LTD

Food/diet - Health News

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