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Добавлен: 2016-04-24 18:36:08 блограйдером zerber22

The risk of child obesity

2016-02-26 07:21:00 (читать в оригинале)

The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,

Childhood obesity is a global phenomenon occurring in the developed countries and the latter both in the recent period and are spreading and greatly increase which contributes to the formation a major threat to the future of human obesity in children now infected more than two and forty million children worldwide
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,  The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,

 The disease causes the child's injury many risks that affect health, including the following
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,

The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,  The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,

The continuation of obesity with a chubby child grows up and, after being in excessive weight gain.

After reaching the age of adolescence susceptibility to heart disease and diabetes by a large margin.
The incidence of respiratory disease and high blood pressure and increased cholesterol in the blood.

Exposure to psychological pressures due to the child's ability to wear clothes that favored and felt that different from others and being subjected to ridicule of his colleagues

The impact on its ability to absorption leading to failing academically.

Child depression and isolation and introversion and anger of his appearance and dissatisfaction with him.
Whenever the child's progress in age and is fat free him from the extra weight has become more difficult by more than forty percent.

Child injury stop breathing during sleep, leading to waking up frequently and this will make him do not get enough sleep, which subjects it to fatigue and fatigue and inability to concentrate.

The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,

The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,  The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,

 To fight the disease from the beginning we offer you the following tips:

Make your child away from the intake of sugars and fats such as biscuits.

Make your child away from all kinds of soft drinks and canned juices and replace it by drinking water and can be mixed with water and natural taste it rose to become the new darling of the child.

Mark your child eats milk and milk products such as yogurt, it contributes to building his body properly.
Mark your child eats vegetables and fruits in abundance as an alternative to sweets manufacturer.

Mark your baby gets used to chew food well and not swallow it reduces the amount of food covered and improves digestion process.

The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,
The risk of childhood obesity, the causes of childhood obesity, the treatment of childhood obesity,

 The causes of obesity in children, the symptoms of obesity in children, obesity in children disposal methods, child obesity and health risks, obesity in children and treatment, know the dangers of childhood obesity, methods of treatment of obesity in children, how to avoid weight gain in children, the risk of injury children with obesity, the health risks of childhood obesity, the problem of obesity in children tips to avoid childhood obesity

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