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Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://knigibest.clan.su/load/
Добавлен: 2016-07-13 13:53:56

Midnight of the Shah. Ilham Rahimov

2016-07-29 19:26:10 (читать в оригинале)

Midnight of the Shah. Ilham Rahimov

"Midnight of the Shah" is based on real events, which mainly took place in Iran and Azerbaijan in the middle of the XX century. Many of the novel's characters are real historical figures of the period. Protagonist Rustam Kerimi is fictitious character. As a young teacher and good expert of ancient arts he found himself in the epicenter of those complicated historical processes . This play presents a rich tapestry of political assassinations, coup d'etat and the struggle of secret services of the USA, Iran, the USSR and UK as well as scenes depicting the unique lifestyles of the Caucasus and Middle Eastern region. Its history, art including different schools of carpet weaving filled with magic, sensuality and mysticism.

Тэги: books, english


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