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Infinity Clinic
Infinity Clinic
Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://infinityclinic.com
Добавлен: 2016-11-16 14:00:11

Iodine Deficiency. Symptoms and Prevention of the Related Diseases

2017-01-04 19:20:13 (читать в оригинале)

Iodine is one of the essential elements important for proper functioning of thyroid. In this article, we want to dwell on the causes of iodine deficiency and iodine-rich foods that can prevent it.

Nutritionists are of the opinion that the main cause of iodine deficiency is insufficient amount of it in the food we are eating, including reducing consumption of seafood. Another factor is no iodine deficiency prevention and intake of medications hindering iodine fixation in the body.

Health Benefits of Pomegranate

2017-01-02 14:30:28 (читать в оригинале)

Very often, we don’t even think that we can improve our health and general condition through what we eat. This article is about health benefits of pomegranate and the right way of eating it.

Why Should We Eat Pomegranate

First of all, this fruit is a powerful natural body cleansing agent.  It is recommended to eat fresh pomegranate in case of cough, sore throat, and cold. Red pomegranate seeds can also fight fever and reduce cancer risk in women.

Stem Cells 2017

2016-12-30 19:49:41 (читать в оригинале)

The present-day tendency of “younger” age of many diseases (meaning that they develop in younger age than even several years ago) drives the scientists to research the new treatment options and make new discoveries. This is why stem cells are now in the spotlight. Their potential is not yet fully studied.  As of now, stem cell therapy is regarded as an effective way of treatment for a large number of diseases and conditions many of which were earlier regarded as incurable.

Burnout Syndrome

2016-12-28 13:07:08 (читать в оригинале)

Burnout syndrome (BS) is a condition of spiritual, mental and physical exhaustion coming all at once. This is when even simple waking up becomes a real problem. The same applies to everyday life things. There are also problems with concentration, and it is becomes difficult to focus on work. This results in fading efficiency, missing deadlines on regular basis etc. Many have to work late at night to carry out all the set tasks. BS naturally makes relations with family, friends and colleagues difficult.

Where Can I Have Stem Cell Treatment?

2016-12-26 19:46:30 (читать в оригинале)

It has been scientifically proven that stem cells can restore damaged cells and tissues of human body and simultaneously replace old and dying cells.

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