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Street Art on Mohamed Mahmoud street. Revolution Graffiti. Cairo

2012-07-09 14:45:11 (читать в оригинале)

Shaza Khaled and Aliaa El Tayeb:

Samira Ibrahim’s face above an army of Ahmed Adel El Mogy, the doctor who was acquitted in her case against him and SCAF for virginity testing. The graffiti was made on the Friday following his acquittal:


Mohamed Alaa. Protest graffiti. Cairo

2012-07-09 14:29:16 (читать в оригинале)

Mohamed Alaa incorporated Pharaonic figures into a protest mural:



Revolutionary Graffiti. Cairo. Революционные граффити Каира

2012-07-09 14:21:28 (читать в оригинале)


"Hedonist International". New action for Berlin Biennale in front of the Russian embassy in Berlin

2012-07-08 22:28:41 (читать в оригинале)

New Section "Free Voina" proposes the Russian embassy in Berlin a new symbol of Putin's power

The new founded "Free Voina" section of the Hedonist International organized this afternoon a spontaneous action in front of the Russian embassy in Berlin. The section showed what they think of the oppression of the Voina activists from the Russian authorities:
Voina is an activist group which is under heavy oppression by the Russian state authorities.They are known for drawing a huge penis on a bridge in St. Petersburg in front of the KGB-building in order to show the police and the state what people really think of them. They were having group sex in a gallery as a protest against the mechanical passage of power from Putin to Medvedev. At the moment they are forced to live in the underground with two kids.

Zbigniew Sikora (Warsaw) for 7 Berlin Biennale

2012-07-08 06:33:28 (читать в оригинале)

I thought that people who are not interested in art know very little about it and felt some necessity to maybe try interest them a little with this.

While making another street art projects my concept went a little further. I have realised that if only I can I should present young artists, like my friends, who have studied at Departement of Painting with me and have no chance to show their art in all theese big galleries where only selected few are being shown or to participate in the most substancial events concerning art. I have written my Diploma paper work about polish art market - hermetically closed and unfortunatelly very tight and have decided to continue this subject in my murals.

I have prepared several walls with empty 'gold' frames where young artists have made paintings of their own. And in this way we have made our street gallerie where everyone can be shown and all passing by people can see it.
In one of my walls between our paintings there is an image of swinging art critic, in other I'm pouring the painting with the word "commercy" with wet paint.

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