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Адрес блога: http://111novosti.tk
Добавлен: 2017-02-11 23:20:37

Anniversary with a taste of France: a Historical Museum arranged a cake tasting

2017-02-11 20:45:19 (читать в оригинале)

On the anniversary of the Museum confectioner Aldis Briches 145 made cakes recipe from the Paris cookbook 1752. In your day of birth, the State historical Museum in Moscow were treated to all visitors to the gold cake. Behind him was a line of hundreds of people. Among them – the correspondent channel «WORLD 24» […]

PRO concerned about the Arctic’s ecosystem

2017-02-11 20:45:11 (читать в оригинале)

Travelers and scholars led a discussion about the dangers that await the nature of the North Pole. At the festival «Pristine Russia» — the day of the Russian geographical society. About the adventures in the wildest parts of the country, illustrated with his own photographs of virgin forests and inaccessible mountains, shared the distinguished travellers. […]

In Armenia and military lovers celebrate the Day of St. Sarkis

2017-02-11 20:45:04 (читать в оригинале)

According to ancient legend, St. Sarkis was the commander, so he is the patron Saint not only lovers, but also the military. Today in Armenia — day of the patron Saint of lovers. The country is Sargis. Lovers in this day go for a walk in parks, as well as at a solemn service in […]

A gas explosion in Sochi hotel: there are wounded

2017-02-11 20:00:20 (читать в оригинале)

The area around the building is cordoned off because of the threat of collapse. In Sochi, two people were in hospital after a gas explosion in the hotel, reports channel «MIR 24». According to witnesses, they heard a loud Bang, and then from the Windows of the three storey building thick smoke. The fire was […]

The storm plunged the suburb of Baku under the water

2017-02-11 20:00:12 (читать в оригинале)

Due to the lack of a sewage system flooded yards, basements and living quarters. The consequences of heavy rains eliminate in the suburbs of Baku. After heavy rainfall the ground water flooded the basements and homes of residents of the Bilajari settlement. In the affected area was visited by the correspondent channel «WORLD 24» Elshan […]

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