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Добавлен: 2008-03-19 23:38:44 блограйдером stormy_weather


2010-11-29 00:07:28 (читать в оригинале)


The set introduces the brand new mechanic — fluxing and the brand new zone — flux pile.
To flux X cards means to remove the top X cards from your library and put them in your flux pile (each player has one).
At the beginning of his or her draw step, each player "unfluxes" any one card from his or her flux pile by putting it on the bottom of his or her library.
"Fluxing X" on a card means "As an additional cost to play CARDNAME flux X cards".
The set also makes some generalizations — one of those is done by presenting Soulseek keyword (similar to Soulshift but works with any creature type) and another is done by using "when CARDNAME changes zone" and "if CARDNAME would change zone" instead of standard "when CARDNAME leaver/enters battlefield".
Feel free to suggest things (:

Тэги: 2010


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