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Менты и в Африке менты.2013-02-01 18:21:11 (читать в оригинале)Хотя мент и в Африке мент, но в данном случае Африка не при чём. Просто хочу сказать, что менты везде одинаковые. Видимо, это не профессия, а склад характера. Возьмём для примера демократическую Великобританию. В прошлом году в Ливерпуле 17-летняя Мелисса Джонс, больная аутизмом, была провела в полицейской камере 10 часов, с неё сняли отпечатки пальцев и заставили пройти ДНК-тестирование. Девушка была трезвой, но её обвинили в нахождении в состоянии алкогольного опьянения и неадекватности, хотя врач в отделении полиции подтвердил, что она не пила. 16 июня 2012 Джонс с подругой пошла в магазин за Coca-Cola - вот вам ещё одно предостережение: не пейте эту штатовскую гадость, до добра не доведёт. Какая-то женщина, которая явно была пьяна, затеяла скандал с продавцом в магазине, а Джонс и её подруга вмешались. Пьяная женщина избила их обеих и сбежала. После всего этого, Джонс впала в "плач и истерику". Прибывшая полиция предположила, что Джонс пьяна и её арестовали. Находившейся под стражей Джонс сказали, что с неё могли бы быть сняты обвинения, если она заплатит штраф в размере 60 фунтов стерлингов. Она отказалась и дело передали в суд. Заявления матери Джонс о том, что девушка страдает аутизмом полиция оставила без внимания. Как всё это знакомо, просто копия поведения наших "стражей правопорядка"! Из-за своего аутизма, Джонс, скорее всего, была не в состоянии общаться с полицией и рассказать о том, что произошло на самом деле, а также в каком смятении она себя чувствует. Её случай далеко не первый, в котором полицейские проявили нечувствительность к аутизму и даже обращались жестоко с больными. В марте 2012 года, аутичный подросток отсудил £ 28,250 в качестве возмещения ущерба от лондонской полиции после того как они грубо вытащили его из бассейна, скрутили и надели на него наручники. Вот это единственная разница между нашей ситуацией и зарубежной. Там за полицейский беспредел можно хоть денег отсудить, а у нас разве что дополнительно по башке схлопотать. По материалам care2.com nbsp; Autistic Teen Presumed Drunk, Held For 10 Hours. Cops - they are cops even in Africa. We often complain, that Russian police has inadequate and lawless behavior, but I'd like to say, that abroad cops are absolutely same. Seems, it is not job, but style of personal character. For what must have been ten terrifying hours in June, 17-year-old Melissa Jones was held in a police cell, finger-printed and made to undergo DNA testing in Liverpool. She was sober but was charged with being drunk and disorderly, even though a doctor at the police station said she had not been drinking. Jones is autistic and also has ADHD and communication disabilities and was studying culinary arts in college. When her mother, Christine Evans, told police about her being autistic and her other disabilities, they “didn’t want to hear about it.” On June 16, Jones and a friend had gone out to a shop for Coca-Cola, says the Daily Mail. Another woman, who was inebriated, became aggressive towards the shop’s assistant, and Jones and her friend intervened. They were both “stamped on” and beaten by the woman, who fled. After all this, Jones was “crying and hysterical.” The police showed up, they assumed Jones had been drinking and arrested her. While in custody, Jones was told that she could have the charges removed if she paid a fine of £60. She refused and was summoned to appear before court in November, where she was formally charged with being drunk and disorderly. She was actually going to have to stand trial next month, but last week the Crown Prosecution Service said it was dropping the case because “the available evidence was insufficient to prove that Miss Jones was drunk and disorderly.” Since the incident, Jones has tried to commit suicide, says the Daily Mail. Noting that her daughter has been through “hell” and has been in weekly counseling, Evans added that the teenager “hardly ever goes out any more.” The 25-year-old woman who allegedly attacked Jones and her friend has been arrested but has not been charged by Merseyside police due to “lack of evidence.” While reading about Jones’s case, I can’t help but wonder how things might have turned out differently had the police acknowledged that Jones is autistic. The young woman must have been terrified, not to mention in shock, at being assaulted by the other woman; it was no wonder that she was “crying and hysterical.” Due to her being autistic, Jones was most likely unable to communicate with the police about what had really happened, as well as whatever distress and confusion she was feeling. Her case is hardly the first in which police have displayed insensitivity towards autistic persons and even treated them brutally. In March of 2012, an autistic teenager was awarded £28,250 in damages from the London Metropolitan police after they pulled him from a swimming pool and handcuffed him. In the U.S., police have handcuffed autistic children (one as young as 8 years old); a year ago, Illinois police shot a teenager with Asperger’s dead in his own home. It is simply ridiculous, and wrong, that Jones was arrested and charged with being drunk and disorderly conduct. While the charges against her have been rightfully dropped, she is more than owed an apology from the police for being arrested and detained for charges that were simply untrue. That is the only difference between our situation and foreign. If there's a police lawlessness, you can at least win back the money, but we in Russia may in addition get hit on the head. By materials of care2.com
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