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Добавлен: 2008-05-28 00:23:16 блограйдером Lurk

Introduction to Vim

2011-09-17 02:54:26 (читать в оригинале)

If you have ever had to press these keys on your keyboard:↑ → → → → → CTRL + C ↓ ↓ ↓ → → → → CTRL + Vor these:, CTRL → , CTRL → , CTRL → , CTRL → ,than you use a wrong text editor.How annoying the routine text editing operations can get?! While doing monkey-editing stuff you lose your time, motivation and sometimes even the idea you've had on your mind. Suppose, you have a string:Fire Me Up - Manteca - Intro.mp3And you have to transform it to the following string:id3v2 -A"Fire Me Up" -a"Manteca" -T1 -t "Intro" "01 Intro.mp3"Nothing impossible, just another 10-20 key pressings on GUI arrows, some copy-pasting and you are done. But what if you have about 1000 such strings and each one has to be transformed? Panic! "Well, I can write a script and use regular expressions", — some of you might think. But why write the whole script just for one-time case? Besides, how many RegExp rules do you remember? If you have never used Vim or Emacs, you know nothing about text editing and...


Тэги: vim


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