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Добавлен: 2008-05-28 00:23:16 блограйдером Lurk

Flea market

2012-11-16 21:15:39 (читать в оригинале)

On my last day in Italy i went to a flea market. And later on I of course felt pity that my shopping route had not been started from there. During our Italian holidays, we had no time to drive to outlets, the rest of the shops looked rather poor and lacked for variety. Mass-market and luxury brands appeared to be the same as in Moscow. While what I wanted, were tiny shops where you can always find something unusually cute and rare. And all those desires of mine were more than satisfied on the flea market. You should have seen that! Whatever you need you can find it there! Some things are touched by time and filled with history, others are not older than 10-20years.  There, at the market, under the scorching hot Italian sun I spent more than 2 hours and even that was not enough. Summing up, would only add that next time my shopping starts exactly at Borghetto Flaminio Market located at Piazza Della Marina 32. В последний день пребывания в Италии, я посетила блошиный рынок в...


Тэги: asos, flea, italy, market, sofieliseeva, sophiesavenue, vintage


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