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Голосов: 1
Адрес блога: http://rustop.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2008-05-28 00:23:16 блограйдером Lurk


2013-03-17 09:07:05 (читать в оригинале)

We realized why they could not play American music well. Our swing music is invented and improvised. The musician puts himself and his imagination into his playing, whereas this Russian orchestra slavishly imitated records that it heard, and such records are not imitatable. If they wanted to play swing music, they should have taken perhaps the theme of “Dinah” and improvised on it, in which case they would have had music. It wouldn’t have been American swing music, but it might have been Georgian swing music. It was with relief that the orchestra turned to its own music and played the wild dances of the Georgian hills. And we were relieved too, because they were at home, and it was music. And after it was over, the leader and several of the players came back to the hotel with us to have dinner. The leader was a wiry, enthusiastic man, and with our Tinker to Evers to Chmarsky translation we tried to tell him about the background of American swing, how it had...


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