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Адрес блога: http://rustop.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2008-05-28 00:23:16 блограйдером Lurk

5 MUST-HAVE of Spring 2013

2013-04-23 01:57:20 (читать в оригинале)

ENG: Spring dictates and OHMYBLOG! makes notes. Available dreams of futurism, a new wave of male wardrobe inspection and favorite hits of the 60's. All about this is in the traditional top five must have for the coming sweet season sweet. RU: Весна диктует, а OHMYBLOG! записывает. Доступные мечты о футуризме, новая волна ревизии мужского шкафа и любимые хиты 60-ых. Обо всем этом – в традиционной пятерке must-have’ов на ближайший сладкий сезон. 1.Bershka $10 2.Cameleon $39 3.Topshop $50 4. Balenciaga $880 5. Georgina Skalidi $144 Sun colored clothes are in the list of trends for not the first season, not losing ground. The changes are only in interpretation: to stand out among the crowd with your trench school, do not pass by a yellow pencil skirt and do not split with another notable trend - basque - in a fresh solution now. In order to avoid the obvious comparisons to another sour fruit, white or totally black color should be added. And if you are determined and feeling daring...


Тэги: alex, alexander, balenciaga, bershka, borba, boticca, cameleon, georgina, jil, joie, korale, lanvin, maje, margo, mcqueen, monroe, redoute, reserved, sand, skalidi, styleguide, topshop, wang, zara


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