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Адрес блога: http://rustop.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2008-05-28 00:23:16 блограйдером Lurk

From 50s

2013-05-31 00:04:01 (читать в оригинале)

Photos by Katerina Merse To say that I was glad to receive this dress – to say nothing. My gift from promdressesonlineshop.co.uk was getting to me for a long time, the reason for it - long Russian May holidays and the appropriate festive mood of our favorite leisurely "Russian Post". Oh well, I don’t wouldn’t talk about sad, unfortunately I couldn’t affect it. Once again I want to mention that I'm a big fan of 50's New Look style, however, so far in my wardrobe was not a single outfit with such a fluffy skirt. I couldn’t say that to wear it is very comfortable, but we are not strangers to the difficulties! Sometimes we should endure the inconvenience and catch the admiring glances, realizing how easy and feminine we look. In addition, on promdressesonlineshop.co.uk could be ordered dress for every taste and occasion, and at the same time it will be sewn according to your measurements! There is no longer need to fear that the purchased item doesn’t fit you, which I have already made...


Тэги: 1950-е, 50s, agapova, amazing, blog, blogger, dress, evening, fashion, prom, veronica, very, агапова, вероника


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