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Адрес блога: http://sempreprimo.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2008-08-17 13:20:58 блограйдером avanti

End of an era in Dubai as Karama's Sheikh Rashid Colony evicted for demolition

2012-07-03 08:36:11 (читать в оригинале)

Residents of the Sheikh Rashid Colony in Karama have vacated the 10 buildings that make up the complex after the deadline to leave ended on Sunday.

Etihad Airways sets new passenger numbers record

2012-07-02 17:34:13 (читать в оригинале)

Etihad Airways has set new passenger records, with more than 158,500 air travellers flying with the Abu Dhabi-based airline between Tuesday 26 and Saturday 30 June, averaging 31,700 passengers each day.

Rakia chief denies $5bn swindle rumour

2012-07-02 15:34:42 (читать в оригинале)

The CEO of Ras Al Khaimah Investment Authority (Rakia) denied that he had embezzled $5 billion and fled the UAE to Britain, saying he was in the UK for an official Rakia business, a newspaper reported.

Four IPOs in GCC fetch $1.1b in Q2

2012-07-02 15:19:08 (читать в оригинале)

Initial Public Offering (IPO) activity picked up in the Gulf Corporation Council (GCC) in Q2 2012 witnessing the strongest quarter-wise IPO performance in the last two years. New listings, although limited to only a few regional exchanges, have helped to soak up some of the excess liquidity in the region and attract investor appetite.

Markaz: GCC Demographic Shift - Intergenerational risk-transfer at play (Jun-12)

2012-07-02 13:44:00 (читать в оригинале)

The demographic structure of a country or region has wide-ranging implications, from health and education, to labor force make-up and fiscal budgeting. The population is the driving force of an economy; it is the unit by which economic output is realized and as such, should be invested in and shaped in a manner to better influence economic growth.

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