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Голосов: 2
Адрес блога: http://sempreprimo.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2008-08-17 13:20:58 блограйдером avanti

Twenty two real estate brokerage firms fined in Dubai

2012-06-26 14:42:42 (читать в оригинале)

The Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA), the regulatory arm of Dubai Land Department (LD) imposed AED 900,000 fines on twenty two real estate companies and brokerage firms during the first half of the year.

'GCC-India to ink free trade agreement within a year'

2012-06-26 14:06:36 (читать в оригинале)

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries and India are expected conclude a free trade agreement (FTA) for boosting trade within a year, a member of a visiting Indian trade delegation told Times of Oman.

BMI: United Arab Emirates Petrochemicals Report (May-12)

2012-06-26 12:52:00 (читать в оригинале)

Includes 3 FREE Quarterly Updates.This quarter’s UAE petrochemicals report examines the continuing expansion of polyolefins and aromatics production centred on Abu Dhabi. We also look at how the sector will continue to respond to changes in the structure and pace of growth in the Chinese market.BMI also analyses the competitive advantages of petrochemicals production in the UAE, which has joined other Gulf states in pressing ahead with highly integrated mega-projects, but warn that a lack of diversification (which could add value to output) will mean that the industry’s margins are likely to remain sub-optimal. We also highlight that the UAE is attempting to overcome its reliance on commodity chemicals through the development of a plastics conversion industry.Polyolefin manufacturer Borouge expects the expansion of its complex in Ruwais, Abu Dhabi, to be fully on stream in mid-2014, following completion of construction by end-2013. The Borouge 3 expansion will add capacities of 1.5mn tonnes per annum (tpa) ethylene, feeding large polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) units. The planned Chemaweyaat complex, which Abu Dhabi hopes will be the world’s largest petrochemical complex, will include an olefins plant, an aromatics complex and a range of downstream polymer and chemicals units. It is due to enter production in 2015, but BMI believes that 2016 is more realistic. The first part of the development, Tacaamol, will use heavy naphtha feed for its aromatics units and a lighter naphtha feed to supply a mixed-feed cracker producing 1.5mn tpa ethylene and 690,000tpa propylene. These will feed downstream plants producing polymers, xylenes and other derivatives.Over the last quarter BMI has revised the following forecasts/views:- By 2016, BMI expects ethylene capacity of 5mn tpa in the UAE, up from an estimated 2mn tpa in 2011, with PE more than tripling to 3.52mn tpa and PP rising by nearly 170% to 2.14mn tpa over the period.- Key issues that will have an i

Profit of UAE corporates surges to $3 billion in Q1

2012-06-26 11:35:03 (читать в оригинале)

The net profit of UAE corporates surged 11.5 per cent to $3.01 billion in the first quarter as the total net income of GCC companies for the same period rose 12.9 per cent to $14.5 billion, a research by Global Investment House shows.

UAE personal loans up 0.8% to Dh255.9b

2012-06-26 11:34:38 (читать в оригинале)

Personal loans sanctioned by banks in the UAE inched up 0.8 per cent in April, reaching the Dh255.9 billion mark, the highest level since the financial crisis struck the economy in September 2008.

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