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Адрес блога: http://sempreprimo.blogspot.com/
Добавлен: 2008-08-17 13:20:58 блограйдером avanti

BMI: Middle East and Africa Telecommunications Insight (Dec-11)

2011-12-06 13:08:00 (читать в оригинале)

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region comprises a mix of well-established highly developed economies supported by stable political and cultural regimes, equally well-developed economies that nevertheless may be prone to civil and political unrest and emerging markets that are undergoing far-reaching changes at many levels. Consequently, the region hosts telecommunications markets that are at varying stages of technological development and maturity and, therefore the growth potential for value-added services (VAS) will vary according to the prevailing economic, social and cultural conditions. Nevertheless, there are clear signs that VAS are becoming increasingly important to consumers and businesses in all markets. BMI considers that the Middle East markets, in particular, have the potential to grow fastest and in diverse directions.Due to low service prices engendered by competition and the ability of even the most basic handsets to deliver text-based messaging services (SMS), users have become accustomed to accessing information, life tools and entertainment-based VAS. The relatively low cost of voice services mean, on the whole, voice service revenues and traffic will continue to outweigh the contribution of VAS for some time to come, but recent developments show that some markets are already ahead ofthe curve and will bear watching as they influence their neighbours.A recent study by Cisco Systems suggests the Middle East and Africa region?s monthly mobile data traffic volume will grow at a rate of 129% a year between 2010 and 2015, the fastest for any region of the world, although it only beats forecasts for the Asia region if Japan is treated separately. The Middle East region benefits from the fact that there are several players active in multiple markets. This has enabled them to introduce a standard suite of service portfolios over hardware- and software-based infrastructure sourced from a small group of suppliers, contributing to ubiquity a

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