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Nobody's perfect
Nobody's perfect
Голосов: 8
Адрес блога: http://elfik-nimka.livejournal.com/
Добавлен: 2007-11-25 01:36:08 блограйдером Nexis

it&39;s just the begining it&39;s not the end?

2014-02-22 09:54:05 (читать в оригинале)

So desperate. Thousands of questions crowded in my mind. What. why. Am i. Should i. What da fuck. Is it. Which exactly. That's all mine. The fear of what will happen next few hours. I have no phone. I've forgotten it at the friend's house. Nobodycan not even call me now. Just icq brings me online. But it seems to be useless too. 'cause it doesn't blinks by any message. Am i alone in this universe? Now the only thing i have it's the universal religion. Folge, my friend - you know what i mean. Thanks Van Buuren for his sacred words! Keep my hope right in my pocket. Who's blow this horrible carpet of silence? Come on. i am here. Is this another new temptation of somewhat? Should it last forever? Fuck, i don't wanna live in _this_ universe then.


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