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Scientific-Educational Journal «Studia Humanitatis». Summary № 1, 20132013-06-27 21:06:58 (читать в оригинале)Оригинал взят у ![]() HISTORY Pesyakov S.A. The issues of the history of the Pskov Princedom (XIII-XVI c.) in the National historiography The purpose of article is to conduct a historiographical analysis of the works of historians whose scope of research interests include politics of the Pskov princedom between the XIII and XVI centuries. The object of the study includes the views of Russian scientists whose specialization was the contentious issue of the medieval history of the Pskov land. The comparison of approaches, and the resulting scientific papers allow to rethink the current geopolitical and cultural realities of the North-West region of Russia and its place in the history of the country and the Russian people. Gribkov I.V. Publishing activity of the Orthodox Church on the occupied territories of the USSR in 1941-1945 The article is devoted to the missionary activities of various Orthodox structures, the opposition of the Moscow Patriarchate in the occupied territories of the USSR in the 1941-1945. The author examines in detail the major publishing centers and structure of published materials, books and periodicals. An important feature of this work is an enlightening, educational, but not the propaganda. Even in war, considerable attention was paid to children's literature. Belonogova J.I. Review on monograph: «Giant of Knowledge: archpriest A.V. Gorsky’s biography» by A.S. Melkov This monograph is devoted to the life and scientific works of an archpriest Alexander Gorsky (1812-1875) – an outstanding church historian, specialist in archaeography, rector of the Moscow Theological Academy. On the pages of this book the author for the first time modern Russian historiography represents his contribution into the development of humanities. In consecutive order the author studies A. Gorsky’s personality as a scientist, pedagogue and archpriest, analyzing his works in the area of church history, philology and theology. The book is intended for the investigators of Russian church history, theological school students, students of historical and philological faculties and also for everyone, who is interested in history of Russian theological education. POLITOLOGY Bureiko N.M. Towards the Issue of American National Identity (Political and Ideological Factors of Its Establishing) In the article, the author considers the key political and ideological factors of American national identity establishing, analyzing the main distinguishing features of American national character formation. Zubchenko S.O. Making the humanitarian security policy in terms of modern transformation processes: Ukrainian and foreign experience The article deals with the humanitarian security policy practice in Ukraine and some other foreign states. The features of the humanitarian security policy in terms of social-political transformations are defined. On the base of foreign experience, political-legislative means of optimization of the humanitarian policy are offered. Lina M. Rusch. Lina M. Rusch. Between the European Union and Russia. Perspectives on Ukraine’s Complex Political Situation Ukraine finds itself in a difficult position between the European Union and the newest Russian-engineered integration project for the post-Soviet space, the Eurasian Union. A thorough understanding of the interdependence between Ukraine and its partners is thus essential for determining "the right way" for Ukraine. The paper, on which this article is based, explores this by applying Complex Interdependence Theory and proposes a cautious foreign policy approach. Malugin S.B. Review on «Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution» by Anthony Sutton This book merges harmoniously in a broad historical research (which also includes journalism as well as radio and TV broadcasting) devoted to the actions of foreign sponsors of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. Before the main topic of media publication and broadcast on the subject was the «German General Staff Headquarters» and its relations with Bolsheviks, this focus has recently shifted overseas. Moreover, the increase of historians’ attention to the «Jewish trace» which was left not only in the Bolshevik Party and the Comintern but also in the economic base of these organizations that is directly connected with the world’s banking system, should be noted. THEOLOGY Matveev A.P. The concept of patristic tradition in spiritual and moral upbringing of schoolchildren In the article, a problem of showing the need of implementation of the patristic pedagogical tradition into the spiritual and moral upbringing of schoolchildren is set. In this article the patristic tradition is understood as theological and ascetic heritage of Holy Fathers and Masters of the Church of the 4-8th centuries and works of Russian spiritual elders of the 19th century. The use of data of the analytical report "Youth of the new Russia" helps to determine the spiritual state of young people today, to identify main problems and give pedagogical recommendations for their solution. Kyyak M.T. Philosophical foundations of the Roman Catholic Church in information age In the rapidly changing world in information age there is a huge influence on the cultural, social, and religious life. At the same time, the Roman Catholic Church as one of the most modern among other Christian denominations has a clear philosophical foundations. These, in particular, include: the vision of a mine as the personification of divine power, pronounced anthropocentrism and «Love-agape» as well as the vision of a man of his place, the frontiers of knowledge and freedom. These basics cause the attitude of the Roman Catholic Church to the new changes associated with the information age. Burmakina N.A., Galiyevа M.R. The rhetorical analysis of lectures of archpriest Gennady Fast «The path of sin and death» The article is devoted to the detection of substantial and formal aspects of modern diatribe on the example of the lecture of the theologian and preacher Father Gennady Fast. Defined features that are typical for the genre of public preaching that includes elements of the conversation. Leonov I.S. Studying of a Russian spiritual prose within the framework of a project «The Russian language, literature and culture today» (Humanitarian world of contemporary Russia) The article reveals the phenomenon of a contemporary spiritual prose, considers its place in contemporary literature, analyses themes and poetics of the prose of today’s orthodox authors. PHILOLOGY Kurulyenok A.A., Dmitieva D.Y. Intersyllabic assimilation in the history of vocalism in Russian In this article an eventual explanation of phonetic vowels changes is regarded within the context of the history of the Russian language under the aspect of intersyllabic assimilation effect. In connection with this fact the questions of the time flowing is discussed. Sukhareva S.V. Polish epistolography in Ukrainian polemic of XVII century The block of Polish epistolary in the system of polemical prose of XVII century is analyzed in the article. It's indicated in its genre features, holistic character, publicistic and artistic level. Special attention is paid to the epistolary style of Hypatij Potij, Andrew Muzhylovski and Klyryk from Ostrog. Innovative and classical elements of epistolary heritage of the Baroque epoch are identified. Nikolsky E.V. The description of morality and manners in Vsevolod Solovyov’s short prose This article contains a genre specificity of short prose by Vsevolod Solovyov, whose work is devoted to the Russian history of the XVII-XIX-th centuries. According to professor N.L. Vershinina, the author distinguishes the difference between the description of morality and manners. The main difference is in the presence of author’s point of view on the describing occurrences. In this case, such works are considered to be a kind of morality, which characterizes Solovyov’s works. Showing every-day life, he examined the process of turning barbarism into a civilizing society. Bayramova К.А. The categories of the lyrical character and the material world in the Joseph Brodsky’s love poetry (the collection «The new stanzas to Augusta»): the interaction features This article is devoted to the problem of realization of the category of lyrical character in the Joseph Brodsky’s love poetry. The aspiration to characterize the lyrical character through details of the material world becomes the feature of the poet’s artistic worldview when the world of things symbolizes both emotional experiences of the character and his philosophy of creation. The vulnerability and finiteness of the material world in the late lyrics associate an inevitable end of physical existence of the character, but it consolidates the idea of creative immortality of love feeling. Sadomova T.V. Astral motivs and images in the novel of Alexei Ivanov “The geographer drank his globe away” The focus of the study is addressed to the astral motifs and images in the Alexey Ivanov’s novel «Geograph globus propil» (The geographer drank his globe away), their role and functioning in the novel are discussed. This contributes getting more complete introduction of the writer’s artistic world. PHILOSOPHY Lyuban T.N. On philosophical and culturological views of V.V. Zenkovsky The article is devoted to the analysis of culturological and philosophical views of V.V. Zenkovsky, a representative of junior generation of thinkers of the Russian religious renaissance, whose efforts created Russian philosophy of the beginning and the first half of XX century. The reconstruction of views of V.V. Zenkovsky has a substantial value for understanding of essence, logic and features of such original intellectual phenomenon as Russian philosophizing. Karachevtseva L.M. Reason and madness in the structure of the Cartesian cogito. Three interpretations of Rene Descartes' Meditation The article analyses the polemics between Michel Foucault and Jacques Derrida that took place in the sixties of the XXth century. This polemics was dedicated to the elucidation of the role of reason and madness within Cartesian radical doubt – that thought experiment maintained the formula ego cogito ergo sum. The article also examines Emmanuel Levinas's interpretation of Descartes' idea of the infinite. It is shown that the idea of the infinite constitutes cogito. Kozmenko M.V. Syncretic transcendence of the axiosphere of culture The article provides a review on research for objective conditions of the existence of axiological space within a framework of the idealistic philosophy. It follows up the wholeness and syncretic spiritual essence of values and attempts to interpret the axiosphere of culture through transcendence of values.
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