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"Studia Humanitatis". Summary № 3, 20142014-10-30 23:46:35 (читать в оригинале)Оригинал взят у ![]() HISTORY Efimov V.F., Nikolsky E.V. The personality of Alexander Nevsky shown through the centuries-long mythology The article analyses the traditional views and deeds of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky. Analysis of canonization reasons of the ruler shows that it was the monarch’s confession during terminal hours. The author's opinion expresses about how the veneration of the Holy monarch can be transformed into a justification for Imperial ideologemes. Prelovska I.M. Review of documentary sources on the history of the Ukrainian autocephalous Orthodox Church (1921-1930) – the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (1930-1939) The article gives a brief review of documentary sources on the history of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (1921-1930) – the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (1930-1939) which were introduced into scientific circulation in Ukraine since 1991 and are still the object of further source studies. Kolupaev V.E. Russian in Finland by the emigre catholic sources The article describes the life of the Russian diaspora in Finland in the first half and middle of the XX century. The research is based on the material of the Russian-language periodicals and abroad publications, and as well as documents related to the Russian Catholic Apostolate. Mamedov Z.I. Activities of the «Ergenekon» organization The article analyses a number of sources that mention the history and events related to the activities of the Ergenekon organization. Particular attention is paid to the coverage of this topic in press. It compares different points of view and bases on the comparison of some of the findings. POLITOLOGY Bostan S.I. Peculiarities of Ukrainian foreign policy strategy of European orientation in the context of development of European and Euro-atlantic integration processes in Eastern Europe Development of integration processes in the region of Eastern Europe has received a new impulse to the expansion of the European Union and NATO. Accessions to those associations in most countries of Central and Eastern Europe represent a redistribution of spheres of influence, strengthening the position of the United States, the EU and the weakening of Russian position. In many ways, the stability of the region will depend on Ukrainian policy that announced the desire to join the European Community and has already signed an Association Agreement with the EU, but recent events in the country complicate the implementation of the foreign policy strategy. Zhukovska A.O. The main stages of the non-governmental organizations’ institutionalization as an institution of civil society in the Republic of Bulgaria The article considers the non-governmental organizations as one of the main institutions of civil society. The author created the periodization of their institutionalization in Bulgaria. It was done due to legal and regulatory approaches. The formation and the development of Bulgarian civil society can be divided into four periods. The paper analyzes the key features and the specifics of the third sector at all stages of its institutionalization. Muhametov R.S. Specify of electoral culture of Yekaterinburg This article discusses the main features of electoral behavior in Ekaterinburg. Much attention is paid to the reasons for such voters’ choices. The author believes that the preferences of city voters are influenced by economic, urban and age factors. The article argues that political preferences of voters of Ekaterinburg have a certain degree of stability. In conclusion the author emphasized that Ekaterinburg is a region with a special electoral culture. Balakhtar V.V. Socialization of the younger generation like an object of the influence of the state youth policy The article deals with the essence of the concept of "socialization of the younger generation", the features of social formation and development of young people, determined the main directions of state youth policy. THEOLOGY Pavenkov O.V. Christian ethic of love and Hindu ethic of dharma: comparative analysis This article is devoted to comparative analysis of two ethic systems: Hindu ethic of dharma and Christian ethic of love. If Christian ethic is the ethic of love, love is in the center of Christian moral values, then Hindu ethic is an example of ethic of law. The moral behavior of gods and humans is determined by Karma and cycle of samsara, which is impossible in Christianity. However forgiveness, self-restraint, non-stealing, purity are common moral obligations for Christians and Hindus. Melkov A.S. «A crown of pure gold»: semicentennial anniversary of Moscow Theological Academy’s staying in the Trinity Lavra of st. Sergius in 1864 In the connection of 200-th anniversary jubilee of Moscow Theological Academy, the author has written the article, which describes half a century celebration of MTA’s staying in the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius. Main achievements of the oldest Russian Theological school are named for the fifty-year period since 1814-1864, it is given the assessment of Academy’s contribution to the development of national theological education and divinity. Nikolsky E.V. The heresy of tzarebozhie as the "reincarnation" of the cult of the deified rulers of the Ancient World From theological perspectives, this paper studies the current movement of Russian Rastafarianes. The author analyzes the origins of this movement rooted in pre-revolutionary sectarianism; also, he conducts typological parallels with the cult of the deified rulers of the Ancient World and shows the similarity of views of Russian Rastafarianes with the idea of the monarch in ancient paganism. In conclusion, the article shows this new religious movement with its external Christian attributes promotes pure pagan world where people worship not the God but creation. Final dechristianization of Russian Rastafarianes is predictable. Melkova E.P., Charnetskaja S.K. To the tolerance and peaceful coexistence through the Holy Books The article is devoted to the questions of tolerance in the sphere of religious interconfessional relations. The authors analyze the texts of the Bible and the Quran – and draw the conclusions of possibility in keeping and multiplying religious dialogue through following the general values, contained in the Holy Books – such as the ideas of all-forgiveness and all-love. PHILOLOGY Аrchimandrite Arseniy (Bochkar). History of a word (about the biblical and liturgical translation «τῶν αἰώνων» in Holy Kiev Church XIV-XIX centuries). Part 1. The article deals with the gradual change of the word form «вѣкомъ» that was used in all Slavic Orthodox Churches from the ancient times to the newer one «вѣковмъ» used in Ukrainian Orthodox Church. This process started in the XVII-th century with the active support of St. Petro Mohila (1596-1647). The new form finally came into use after the accession of the Kyiv Metropolis to the Moscow Patriarchate in 1686, due to changes in Ukrainian grammar of the Church Slavonic language into Russian one. Sukhareva S.V. Literary world of Teofil Rutka The article researches Polish literary heritage of Teofil Rutka. Special focus is on polemical questions that appeared after the signing a union in Brest. The analysis of the last development stage of polemical prose of the XVII century was made on the example of Teofil Rutka's creations. Naumenko G.A. A prayer (“Hermit fathers and immaculate women…”) This article argues that Pushkin in his short poem “Hermit Fathers and Immaculate Women…”, marked with roman numeral II in his Stone Island cycle, rethinks an image of the poet-prophet from his poem “Prophet” in accordance with an ethical ideal of the Christian poet and prophet (Ephrem the Syrian). Pushkin opposed Christian ideals of the eastern poet and “hermit father” to tyranny-fighter ideals of the Polish poet Adam Mickiewicz and his alter ego Conrad. Lyapina S.M. The conception of orphancy as a cultural phenomenon in the novel “Tsar maiden” by Vsevolod Solovyov The article analyses a little-known novel “Tsar Maiden” by Vsevolod Solovyov from the point of view of its motive structure. Еhe author places special emphasis on the motive of orphancy. This angle shows the images of the lead characters, tzarevna Sophia Romanova and a provincial noblewoman Lyuba Kadasheva. On the one hand, orphancy becomes the source of spiritual development (Lyuba). On the other hand, it leads to exasperation and moral degradation (Sophia). Nikolaeva A.A. Experimental poetics of "The adventures of the Electric Harlequin" by V.G. Shershenevich: the genre features The article is devoted to the genre features in the insufficiently explored work "The Adventures of the Electric Harlequin" by imaginist V.G. Shershenevich. The author of the article identifies the signs of the commedia dell'arte, the tragic farce, the farcical action, the "drama for reading", the elements of poetry and drama. The author concludes syncretic nature of genre in this work. PHILOSOPHY Hieromonk Cornelius (Zaitsev). Ancient philosophical ideas of the soul (Plato-Aristotelian tradition and Stoicism) as a source of Patristic Thought The article discusses the ancient idea of the soul that in the patristic era has been enriched by the perception of the methodology of ancient philosophy. Greek and Roman thinkers considered some properties of the soul, its immortality, revealed its “levels and strata” (Plato, Aristotle), expressed first guesses about the nature of sinful passions (the Stoics). But some aspects still remained unresolved so far. This is the issue of materiality or immateriality, of the soul, which "raised" in the Russian Empire in the XIX century (the dispute saints Theophan the Recluse and Ignatius Brianchaninov) and remains relevant today. Pilyugina E.V. Alain Badiou: numeration of the event and his Gilles Deleuze’s opposition The article examines a key aspect of the theory of the Alain Badiou’s event: understanding of social life as an event of thought embodied in language and implemented in society through generic procedure of naming. The article examines the impact and specificity of various generic procedures for event naming, defines the connotation and the demarcation of event theories of Alain Badiou and Gilles Deleuze. Kosteva T.B. The historical aspect of the formation of higher educational system in Ukraine and foreign countries (illustrated trough the USA) Modern educational system of higher education in Ukraine requires innovative approaches to the formation of professional qualities, such as competitiveness, initiative, ability and desire for self-improvement, creative potential development. One of the brightest examples of students’ implementation with these qualities can be illustrated through the United States that serves as a model of training activities for many institutions of higher education in the world now. The article provides historic analysis of creation of the educational system of America and Ukraine, the result of which requires a plurality of inherited experience in the field of innovative technologies to produce qualified resources for the country development.
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