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"Studia Humanitatis". Summary № 4, 20142015-01-30 01:13:30 (читать в оригинале)Оригинал взят у ![]() HISTORY Prelovska I.M. Documentary sources for the biographical research of Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (1921-1927) Metropolitan Vasily Lipkovsky (1864-1937) The article is devoted to a brief review of the documentary sources for the biographical research of Metropolitan Vasyl Lypkivsky (1864-1937) of the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church (1921-1930). Kolupaev V.E. A nun Valerie Makeyeva and the underground Orthodox book printing in the USSR The history of the underground Orthodox book printing in the USSR is a part of the samizdat. A nun Valerie Makeyeva (1929-2007) was a member of the religious dissent. Her personality is reflected in this article, which is based on archival materials held in the Italian center «Russia Cristiana». Fotea A.C. A historical perspective on the regional dimension of higher education institutions This article focuses on the historical evolution of relations between higher education institutions and their surrounding environment. In order to fully understand this complex connection we will start with illustrating the genesis of higher education institutions, the birth of the modern university and the expansion of higher education in relation to the regional development process. We will then point out the role higher education played in the technological development, especially in the postwar period and will show the transformations that higher education institutions need to perform in order to become the key institutions in the new knowledge society. POLITOLOGY Bureiko N.M. International migration as a subject of interdisciplinary studies This article distinguishes different theoretical approaches towards the international migration studies from the perspective of economic, social and political sciences. The author focuses on the interdisciplinary nature of the research of the mentioned phenomenon both for its detailed analysis and for defining its main notions. Polishchuk I.V. Human potential development as a prerequisite of public policy efficiency The article analyses the role of the public officers’ human potential for the efficiency of making public policy. It introduces features and criteria of human potential in the context of its development of civil service. The article designates some key directions for the development of human potential of public officers. Bostan S.I. On the integration developmental characteristics as a form of international policy in the context of modern globalization processes Under globalization of the world community, there are new opportunities and potential threats to the current system of international relations, collective security and geopolitical development of different regions. Integration and regionalization, consolidation and separatism entered upon the agenda of the political present. The integration process becomes one of the variations of peaceful and mutually beneficial solution to the question of the globalization influence of uneven development of the world regions, the fight against global problems of humanity, discrimination and intolerance, spread the values of democracy, rights, freedom and equality. Kruglashova (Velch) V.D. Theoretical research approach to the institute of international elections observation The article is concerned with the institutionalism and neoinstitutionalism as theoretical approaches to the research of the institute of international elections observation. This study is built on the synthesis of fundamental and empirical knowledge, with an addition of structuralism, postmodernism and pragmatism to its conceptual base. The author proves that modern interpretation of institute of international election observation is on the one hand based on its autonomy and self-reliance in regard to the government authorities, but on the other hand on the necessity to function in full accordance to legal framework and established order. THEOLOGY Pavenkov O.S. Contemporary linguistic analysis of the concept “Love” This article is devoted to the linguistic analysis of the concept "love" conducted according to contemporary science of language. The author considered three approaches of concept analysis: philosophical, lingua-cognitive and lingua-cultural. The common view of these approaches is considering "love" not only as the basic element of the personal language but also as the expression of cultural features of the whole nation. To conclude, the concept "love" occupies the primary position among such concepts as "happiness", "hope", "faith", "goodness". Emotional, cognitive and volitional aspects are necessarily presented in united love. Kashirina V.V. St. Theophan the Recluse, on the translation of the Holy Scripture into Russian The article analyses opinions of the famous spiritual writer and theologian of the XIXth century, St. Theophan the Recluse (1815-1894), on the new translation of the Holy Bible (1875) from Masoretic texts into Russian. His point of view reflected in the articles of such periodicals as «Dushepoleznoe chtenie», «Domashnyaya beseda», «Tserkovny vestnik» is a significant chapter in the history of the Russian Bible Studies. Hieromonk Cornelius (Zaitsev). The concept of St. Theophan the Recluse about the human spirit in the context of patristic anthropology This article analyses beliefs on the human spirit by the outstanding Russian theologian, Bishop Theophan the Recluse. The article considers the threefold doctrine of a man who became a mainstream in patristic theology; it examines correlation of biblical and patristic terms denoting concepts of spirit and soul. In this context ideas of St. Theophan about the spirit lead to the conclusion that the Saint has largely followed the traditions of the Church fathers believing that the presence of spirit defines the essence of man, because without the spirit a man is an anthropomorphic animal. Freshness of St. Theophan’s idea lies in the fact that he was researching the role of the spirit in the human person and revealed its role in communicating with God. PHILOLOGY Аrchimandrite Arseniy (Bochkar). History of a word (about the biblical and liturgical translation «τῶν αἰώνων» in Holy Kiev Church XIV-XIX centuries). Part 2. The article deals with the gradual change of the word form «вѣкомъ» that was used in all Slavic Orthodox Churches from the ancient times to the newer one «вѣковмъ» used in Ukrainian Orthodox Church. This process started in the XVII-th century with the active support of St. Petro Mohila (1596-1647). The new form finally came into use after the accession of the Kyiv Metropolis to the Moscow Patriarchate in 1686, due to changes in Ukrainian grammar of the Church Slavonic language into Russian one. Sukhareva S.V. Аrchimandrite Arseniy Bochkar. Anti-Turkish Polish prose of Joannykij Galyatovskij The article presents an anti-Turkish work by Joannykij Galyatovskij «Alkoran» in the system of Polish polemical prose of the writer where anti-Catholic, anti-Juwish and anti-Turkish motives are being discussed in-parallel. Structure of this work, being organised according to the apologetic principles of literary epoch, gets special attention. We also mark out the peculiarities of anti-Turkish polemics of the end of XVII century in Polish literature. Nikishov Y.M. “A Hero of Our Time”: a novel or a cycle? M. Lermontov had not specified the genre of his main prose work. It has been defined as a “novel”. At the present day, we figured out a “cycle” as a type of genre. These theoretical studies lead us to better understanding of the literary history phenomena. Nikolsky E.V. Issue of the nobility in Vsevolod Solovyov’s prose and journalism The article considers the views on Russian aristocracy, its place in Russian society and culture formulated by the historical novelist Vsevolod Solovyov (1849-1903), the son of the famous historian Sergei Solovyov. Views of the novelist are mapped to views on the aristocracy of Konstantin Leontiev and Nikolai Berdyaev. Author analyses journalistic and literary heritage of the writer. Lyapina S.M. The specificity of folklore and mythological motifs in the novel “Tsar Maiden” by Vsevolod Solovyov The article deals with folklore motifs in the novel by Vsevolod Solovyov “Tsar-maiden”, and reveals the link between this work and a magic tale. The author comes to the conclusion that the appeal to the image of the Tsar-maiden due to the desire of the writer to show the irrational spirit of pre-Petrine Russia, judgment of the people of the rulers of Imperial power. In the popular view of the nation the fact that the woman has become a monarch it was beyond their comprehension and considered a miracle akin to a fairy tale. Therefore, from Vsevolod Solovyov’s viewpoint, a fabulous image of the Tsar-maiden in the minds of the people coincided with the image of Princess Sophia. Fusco A. “Three Loves”. A portrait of a woman destroyed by an inevitable destiny “Three Loves” (1932) is A.J. Cronin’s second novel after the first successful “Hatter’s castle” (1931). The author reveals all his genius in using his pen to create stories from everyday life, dealing with social problems and interior conflicts, which interest human society. Lucy is a woman who firmly struggles to build her destiny through three loves: her husband, her son, Jesus Christ. Her determination will bring her to give herself completely and desperately to her three loves in such a way to destroy herself. Lee T.G. Genre reduction in contemporary prose (on the example of L. Devis’s fiction) This article examines such phenomenon of modern mini-genres as reduction that particularly appears in short stories. This article presents current understanding of a short story as a genre, as well as its evolution from the historical-literary point of view. It also analyses L. Davis’s short stories in comparison with other genres of flash fiction. Burmakina N.A., Chekhanova S.Y. Linguistic characteristics of the text “Prikhot” from the book by A.P. Stepanov “Novels and journeys in Maimai-Chеn” The article researches linguistic peculiarities of novel by literary man of the XIX-th century and the first citizen governor of Yenisei province Alexander Petrovich Stepanov. Phonetic, lexical-semantic, morphological and syntactic structure of the story is analysed. Kravchenko E.V. Practice-oriented training of bachelors of philology The article deals with practice-oriented training of philology students in the context of the new educational standard. This kind of education concentrates on the specific role of teaching practice in the process of training bachelors with the high-level professional competence. The article observes some ways of overcoming pedagogical difficulties during the students’ teaching practice at school. PHILOSOPHY Pilyugina E.V. The nature of the phenomenon “Event” in the prism of the conception by Gilles Deleuze Through the prism of the “event” conception by G. Deleuze the article explores the ambivalent language and social nature of the event. It analyses references between attributes of the event: sign, meaning, and significance. It also defines the role of "floating signifiers" in the event and implementation of the virulent ideas and names into the system of event. Schelokova L.I. The problem of the sacred space in the A.N. Tolstoy's journalism The article analyses A.N. Tolstoy's journalism in the context of confessionary poetics. The article introduces the notions, "sacral chronotope", "sacral topos", confessional motives. The spatial-temporal correlations in Tolstoy's essays closely connect to the levels Space – Earth – Hell. The form of an inner monologue in the articles makes them closer to the confessionary tradition. The analytical observations allow us to introduce Tolstoy's articles of wartime in the context of research considerations of the spiritual tradition of a confessionary word. Efimov V.F., Nikolsky E.V. Modern subculture of downshifting: origins and axiology The article discovers the causes of emergence of an especial kind of subculture known as downshifting in the modern world. Following N.A. Berdyaev’s philosophical observations, the author identifies the factors of present-day existence that contribute the emergence of downshifting: exhaustion from the rapid pace of post-industrial society, deterioration of health, the desire for spiritual freedom. Building on the legacy of St. Francisс, the author concludes that modern downshifting is the phenomenon of secular and lacks any particular religious framework. In the future one or another transformation of the subculture is possible.
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