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"Studia Humanitatis". Summary № 2, 2015

2015-08-02 01:34:00 (читать в оригинале)

Оригинал взят у eparhial в "Studia Humanitatis". Summary № 2, 2015


Nikolsky E.V. The Holy Prince of Kiev Askold – the missionary and geopolitician of the 9th century

The article provides an overview of the activities of the Eastern Slavonic lands ruler, the Prince of Kiev Askold. The author refutes the spreading modern science point of view that Askold was captain of the Rurik and Oleg’s army during theirs conquest of Kiev, and he was subsequently executed for usurping of the power. On the basis of the newly discovered materials it is noted that Askold was the representative of the legitimate Kiev’s dynasty that ruled Kiev from the 6th century. The Prince became the first ruler who adopted the Christianity and has claimed the geopolitical importance of the powers of the Eastern Slavs in Europe and Asia.

Bashynskiy S.V. Orthodox Church in Ukraine on a way to autocephaly: a historical sketch

The article is devoted to the situation of historical development of the Orthodox Church in Ukraine and the fight of the Ukrainian people for autocephaly of the Church. On the basis of historical information the article explains today's disunity of Ukrainian Orthodox Church, represents the role of society in the question of proclamation of Orthodox Church.

Fedoseev A.N. An Albanian Mission of Bishop Nestor (Sidoruk)

The article discusses a little known fact from the history of relations between Albanian and Russian Orthodox Churches. In 1948, in terms of the persecution of the Church by the regime of Enver Hodja, three of the four bishops of the Albanian Orthodox Church were arrested. Wishing to help the Orthodox of Albania his Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Alexy I with the blessing sent the Bishop Nestor (Sidoruk) to Tirana, where this hierarch took part in the ordination of Paisius (Vodica), the future Primate of the Albanian Church.


Efimov V.F. Social and pedagogical aspects of religious literacy among the younger generation

The article reveals the problem of the education of youth in religious issues through the activities of the Church and secular educational institutions. The author shows the absolute failure of the efforts of the state and the Church in this direction that causes damage to the moral education of the younger generation. The author enlightens the originality, specificity, criticism of the interaction between the Church and the intelligentsia, and also the organizational ways of formation of the religious literacy among the population of Russia.

Melkova E.P. Conspectus of the English lesson “The problems of globalization in Modern World” (10-th form)

The open English lesson “The problems of globalization in Modern World” in the 10-th form has a summarizing character and is planned as debates. The main aims of the lesson are shaping students’ objective opinion on the process of globalization and developing their skills and competence in keeping dialogues. The tasks of the lesson are directed to activating students’ language usage of business and political lexicon, the development of extemporaneous speech and the revision of “Globalization” theme. It is suggested the students’ availability to define the ways of solving globalisation problems independently after such type of lesson.


Tereshchuk V.I. The problem of the Internet governance as a factor of international and national information security

The article discusses the international political aspects of the Internet governance. In particular, it is proved that the current control of US Government over key resources of the Internet can be seen as a threat to international and national information security.

Pikula M.M. Interactive communication and political consciousness

The article presents the research of the new communication technologies’ influence on the political consciousness formation. According to the author, today the Internet has become a kind of environment where people spend a lot of time and where the huge flow of information streams, unlimited with national borders and language barriers. This gives the Internet communication a mediating role in the display of the real world in people's minds. Such forms of interactive communication like social networks, blogs, forums and chats have a particularly important role in development of the society political consciousness.

Tereshchuk M.I. The policy of tourism branding as an instrument of national interests: the experience of Central Eastern Europe

The article presents a problem of forming a touristic brand in Central Eastern European countries in the context of providing country’s national interests. Basing on the empirical research the author analyses the effectiveness of CEE branding policy.

Karpchuk N.P. National communication strategies of the European Union: the experience of the Netherlands

On the basis of analysis of faults and achievements in communication with EU citizens and in order to overcome the "communication gap" the European Union elaborated its own communication policy where are stipulated its principles and directions of implementation. The member-states take the EU normative provisions into account and realize the set tasks considering their national requirements. In this context, the experience of the Netherlands as the country with high level of participation democracy is quite interesting.

Shvedova A.L. Political and criminological characteristics of the international fight corruption experience

The article reveals the results of recent researches of the world anticorruption practice that show the problem of counteraction as relevant today. Therefore, the analysis of positive experience of those countries that have already achieved some success in the anticorruption practice will optimize the modern system of anticorruption measures in other states. The purpose of this paper is the criminological research of international experience in this sphere in some certain countries: the USA, the UK, Germany, Canada, the Netherlands, and Singapore, and possible applications of the results of such research in anticorruption practice in other countries.


Kolupaev V.E. Egon (Igor) Sendler and Russian icon in the West

Egon (Igor) Sendler was a Roman Catholic priest of the Jesuit order and one of the world's foremost experts on the painting of icons, known as one of the leading Western experts and theologians on the iconography, who worked in the Russian tradition. He is unfortunately little known in the Russian scientific and cultural space. To eliminate this lack of information is the purpose of this article.

Hieromonk John (Bulyko). Theosis according to the teachings of archimandrite Cyprian (Kern)

The article deals with the interpretation of theosis in the legacy of the famous divine Archimandrite Cyprian (Kern) not as an abstract idea but as concrete reality. Theosis according to father Cyprian is improvement of the renewed man in Christ and his moral revival and spiritual ascent to Crist. This process involves all three faces of God: the Holy Spirit that gives us Grace leading us to the Son, and the Son who leads us to the Father. This concept is expressed by the maximal approach of man to God, his free communion with God.

Panishchev A.L. Monophysite consciousness in Russia in the 21th century: do we remember Chalcedonian Oros?

This article raised the problem from the Christological character. Its essence consists in the fact that at the level of every-day thinking of most religious people see Jesus Christ as the only God, not denying, but ignoring the human nature in Him. This approach is contrary to the essence of Christianity.


Soltanov M.D. Azerbaijan ashug profession and ashugs folk

One of the actual problems of modern Azerbaijan linguistics is the area of onomastic units and studying of their features. Onomastic units are proper names used in the language. Ashugs used these unite in their creative work and made inimitative and extraordinary word samples and poetic word complexes. The article deals with classic ashugs and explains etymology of some ashugs’ pseudonyms and nicknames.

Burmakina N.A., Bogdanova T.A. The implementation of the regulatory component in the youth media environment

The article is devoted to the analysis of mistakes in the drafts of scripts written for Achinsk town youth program “PROdvizhenie” (PROmotion). Norms of the modern Russian language and their realization in media environment are also described.

Leonov I.S. Sacramental peculiarities of the Confession in the modern Orthodox Literature

On the material of the modern parish prose the article describes the moral and ethical, philosophical, liturgical and ceremonial complex of motives where the motive of confession plays a special role.


Horokholinska I.V. Kant’s concept of «Universal Church» as a scheme of interfaith relations toleration: service of God as respect for the others

The author analyzes philosophical and religious aspects of Kant's work - the problem of modality of faith and theory of the «Universal Church». Traditional Kant’s view of God as deism has been opposed to anthropological and personal study of Him as an alternative view to deism or atheism. The potential of philosophy and religious deduction of Kant concerning toleration of inter-ecclesiastical and inter-secular dialogue, and the potential of actual reformation of traditional churches activity have been proved.

Brodetskyi O.Y. Ethical and anthropological context of religiosity and its value vectors in E. Fromm’s interpretation

The article deals with the analysis of E. Fromm studies concerning the phenomena of religion and religiosity. The scientific topicality of this study consists in the intention to explicate the methodological potencies of Fromm’s conception for synergy of humanistic moral values of different religious traditions, and also religion and philosophy convergence as one of the factors for contemporary spiritual crisis prevention. Fromm’s ideas about the anthropological difference between humanistic and authoritarian forms of religiosity are considered as a productive heuristic and methodological platform for the new typology of religious ethical doctrines. The study is realized on the disciplinary crossing of ethics, religious axiology and philosophy of religion.

Nikolsky E.V., Panishchev A.L. Freedom and dependence in a democratic society: the experience of understanding of the theme through the prism of Russian philosophy

The article is devoted to the critical analysis of democratic order in society and the state. The article notes that in democratic society most legal mechanisms used for the prevention of criminal offences and of countering the evil in general are really ineffective. As a result, it becomes impossible to resist the negative trends if they support or depend on them a larger part of society.

Martianova N.A., Rubtcova M.V. Manageability of profession as a social institution: from deprofessionalization to the reconstruction of professions

The article characterizes the current state of profession as a social institution. After a long path of institutionalization in the postmodern era profession is facing a crisis. Deprofessionalization as the general state of the institute includes the crisis of its individual components: a professional ethos, identity, changing of the motives of professional activity and typical behavioural practices. The authors attempt to outline possible ways of reconstruction of professions through the revival of professional ethos.

Тэги: history, humanitatis, news, pedagogy, philology, philosophy, political, science, studia, theology


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