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"Studia Humanitatis". Summary № 3, 20152016-01-29 00:44:51 (читать в оригинале)Оригинал взят у ![]() HISTORY Nesterov D.A. King Philip’s war: American Indians in British colonial society This article is about the problem of the perception of the North American Indians by the British colonial community during the King Philip’s war; this is the first time when the problem is considered in Russian historiography. The author pays attention to events that means a starting point for the formation of public opinion of the British colonies’ inhabitants towards to the Indian population and its modifications, which is connected with King Philip’s war. The preconditions, causes and implications of these changes are identified in this article. Also there is the direct dependence of views of any part of British society from its social status and position which were among of the factors that determined and affected to the behaviour of the British. All the author’s conclusions are supported by appeals to historical sources. Tomilov I.S. Marriages, fertility and mortality of the citizens of the Tobolsk Province in the 2nd half of the XIX – early XX centuries In demographic processes for natural population growth, there were indicators of marriage, fertility and mortality, influenced by age of marriage, reproductive cycle of family factors, etc. According to recent demographic developments of concepts, the level of urbanization is inversely related to fertility, marriage and mortality. It gives novelty and relevance to the study. The main purpose is to study the processes of fertility, marriage and mortality of the population of the cities of Tobolsk province in the late Imperial period. The main methods are interdisciplinary, systematic, diachronic, problem-chronological, historical principles of scientific knowledge. As a result of the conducted research we will identify key causes, course, and changes in demographic characteristics in the stated spatio-temporal framework. Prelovska I.M. Epistolary as a source for the biographic research of Ivan Ogienko (Metropolitan Hilarion) and Andrey Sheptytsky, Metropolitan of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Article reviews the epistolary sources for the study of the biographies of the Minister in the Government of UNR denominations headed by Simon Petlura Ogienko Ivan (1882-1972), later Metropolitan of Chelm and Podlasie (Lublin) Hilarion, and Metropolitan of Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church Andrey Sheptytsky (1865-1944). Correspondence shows the changes in relation to the Ivan Ogienko Metropolitan Sheptytsky sharply from negative to respectful and friendly. Kolupaev V.E. On the history of the Roman Catholic parish of Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Ryazan The article describes the history of the Catholic community in Ryazan since its inception to the present day. Participation of Polish Catholics and their position in the social, administrative and religious life in the Russian empire, the K. Tsiolkovsky’s family, the construction of the temple at the end of the XIX century, religious persecution in the Soviet Union in 1920-1930, the revival of the parish since 1996 and its current status, pastoral work with foreign Catholic students, the destruction and the deplorable state of the church, sample of architecture. Suprunchuk O.P. Museum as a space of relaying the cultural memory. Researching of Jewish modern museum This article analyses the phenomenon of the museum as an important institution of saving and relaying the collective memory of nation, as the semantic space that has reinterpreted the historical heritage through the prism of the modern worldview foundations. This role of the museum institution and its actuality for society was visually researched through the analysis of projects of the Jewish modern museums that put the Holocaust in the centre of their attention. PEDAGOGY Balakhtar V.V. State youth policy as a regulator of social formation and socialization of the younger generation The article dwells on the views on the essence and the meaning of social formation and socialization of the grown up generation. It examines the peculiarities of state youth political influence on social formation and socialization of the grown up generation. The article reveals factors affecting youth formation and features of personality’s socialization. POLITOLOGY Mukhametov R.S. “Fair Russia” and the power: stages of development of relation The article is devoted to the history of relations of the party “Fair Russia” (“Spravedlivaya Rossiya”) and the Kremlin. The author distinguishes three stages in the political positioning of the party: a constructive opposition, the radical opposition and complete loyalty. Much attention is paid to the reasons for the development of relations. The author came to the conclusion that the main factor is the electoral rating of Vladimir Putin. Tykhomyrova E.B. Transboundary brand: European and Ukrainian experiences The article presents a study of the concept "cross-border brand" and the analysis of the formation of cross-border branding practices in transboundary territory of Europe and Ukraine. Today the cross-border territories united by common economic, social, cultural and political life strive to be transformed into a brand. That is why the issues related to their positioning and branding are of great importance. According to the author cross-border / inter-regional brand, an intangible asset of cross-border cooperation, which provides the promotion of the interests of cross-border areas, both inside and outside the cross-border. In recent years, such brands as part of Euroregions are being formed with the participation of many European countries. Tereshchuk M.I. Branding technologies in the foreign policy of Ukraine: regulatory and organizational aspects The article analyses regulatory and organizational components of the application of branding technology as a tool of foreign policy of Ukraine. Particular attention is paid to the activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in this sphere, as well as to the problems impeding the full implementation of the branding policy. Karpchuk N.P. Communication policy of the EU member-states concerning the support of the European integration To support the European integration process the countries, candidates for the accession to the European Union, developed the communication policy and carried out the large-scale nationwide campaign, which was directed at the public and its interests. The experience of Sweden, Austria and Finland, the fourth wave of accession countries, is of specific interest as they decided to hold nation-wide referendums, and therefore were in need of awareness and support of their citizens. Tereshchuk V.I. The role of e-PR in foreign policy The article discusses the role of the Internet as a global communication tool in the PR-support of the implementation of foreign policy. Special attention is paid to such innovative directions of electronic foreign PR as the creation of "virtual embassies" (on the example of the United States). THEOLOGY Nikolsky E.V. Unseemly acts of canonized monarchs: an experience of theological analysis The article discuses an "unpopular" aspect of hagiology-crimes and other nefarious acts of canonized monarchs. The analysis solves a theological dilemma: how can atrocities unite with Holiness. It is noted that if real or alleged crimes are attributed to the monarch who completed his life in martyrdom, the question of his canonization automatically disappears because the martyrdom cleans all the sins. Examples of such case are Saint Michael of Chernigov, Andrei Bogolyubsky, Nicholas II. Melkov A.S. God-pleasing scientist – archpriest Alexander Gorsky (to the 140-th anniversary of the repose) The article is devoted to the memory of archpriest Alexander Gorsky (1812–1875), Moscow Theological Academy’s rector, pastor of the Church, historian, specialist in archaeography, divine and pedagogue. The author analyzes father Alexander’s scientific-pedagogical and pastoral ministry through his God-pleasing and holy life, which can be cold sacramental saga. Archpriest Alexander was a highly moral person, and it was reflected on in his serving God, people and science. His course of life and scientific heritage are closely connected with interchurch, interstate and public relations in Russia of the 19-th century. The author has come to the conclusion, that nowadays there are objective reasons for the starting archpriest Alexander Gorsky’s canonization process. PHILOLOGY Dolgorukova N.M. “I” of the author of the XII c.: rhetoric and subjectivity of medieval literature This article attempts to answer a series of questions relevant to the study of medieval literature: is it possible to create a typology of the medieval “I” and to distinguish rhetorical use of personal constructions from more subjective types which was the author's “I” in the XII century. Is it possible to talk about subjectivity of medieval literature, and, if so, how is it expressed? Soltanov M.D. About some historical and religious-legendary personal names used in ashug creative works One of the actual problems of modern Azerbaijan linguistics is the area of onomastic units and studying of their features are onomastic units, study of their characteristics and peculiarities. Onomastic units are proper names used in the language. Ashugs used these units in their creative work and made inimitable and extraordinary word samples and poetic word complexes. The article deals with some historical and religious-legendary personal names used in Azerbaijan ashug poetry, and explains the etymological roots of these names. Nikishov Y.M. On the formation of the novel “A Hero of Our Time” This is a new version of a story of Lermontov’s “A Hero of Our Time” creation. The story begins in the end of 1837 with creation of an independent tale (novella) “Taman”. Creative success stimulated Lermontov to continue work in the genre of notes as it is reflected in the subtitle of journal publication of “Bela”: “From the notes of a military officer on the Caucasus”. But the new story has changed the original plan. Now the figure of the hero became the basis for the cycle. The book has integrity, which is not provided by the initial strict plan. It is based on dialog links of the cycle novels. Fusco A. “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk District”: a tale waved on a terrific natural scenary The young Katerina Lvovna lives in a house with an old husband she does not love and her father-in-law, missing the freedom of her childhood. The deathly oppressive atmosphere of her family will change when she meets Sergei. Her passion for the young man, who had seduced many women in the town, will be so strong that Katerina will do anything to keep hold of him. The two lovers will commit monstrous crimes together and will be convicted and sent to Siberia. The tale is a dramatic portrait of a dragging force, which moves in an intense atmosphere of heat and coldness flowing in the deepest darkness. Tuliakova N.A., Nikitina N.A. Stefan Zweig’s legends: a new stage in the development of the European legend The article studies the genre of legend-parable that appeared in European literature in the end of the 19th century as exemplified by Stefan Zweig’s collection of legends. On the basis of comparison of the legend-parable and literary legend of the 19th century the author reveals the core markers of the new genre. They include the support of the religious pretext, the choice of relations between a person and God as the main topic, the absence of the conflict representation, the emphasis on the concept of the miracle, objective author’s viewpoint, explication of the author’s intention. Hakimov M. Artistic originality of fables by Haman Matjan The article analyses the artistic originality of the fables by Haman Matjan, reveals their connection with folklore, analyses the motivic structure, reveals satirical intentions of the Uzbek poet. In the end of the article, the author highlights deep connection of Haman Tatjan’s creativity with universal values. PHILOSOPHY Karpina O.S. Dynamics of the concept “Man” in the history of philosophy The article deals with the development of the category “man” in the history of philosophy. The author focuses on such periods of the philosophical thought development as the Antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Modern history, the Age of the Enlightenment, German classical philosophy, and non-classical philosophy. The article analyses and compare philosophical views of such outstanding thinkers as Socrates, Aristotle, Epicurus, Titus Lucretius Carus, Thomas Aquinas, Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, Coluccio Salutati, Michel de Montaigne, Francis Bacon, John Locke, Benedict Spinoza, Blaise Pascal, Charles-Louis de Montesquieu, Voltaire, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Immanuel Kant, Ludwig Feuerbach, Arthur Schopenhauer, Søren Kierkegaard, Friedrich Nietzsche. Brodetskyi O.E. The ethical and value meaning of spiritual absolute idea conceptualized in the context of God’s being proofs The article analyses the value and anthropological potencies of the notional mechanisms of the God idea philosophically conceptualized in the context of God’s being proofs. The author investigates the correlation between rational and irrational elements of these arguments and their value impulses. The research outlines the logical and cognitive vulnerability and antinomies of the idea, but it also reasons the effective ethical recourses of thinking concerning God’s being substantiation. The article contains the analysis of value application of God’s being proofs within the science methodology and the search of life meaning. Bulanova-Duvalko L.F. Philosophical aspects of understanding the trend of feminist aesthetics The article analyses theoretic and methodological principles of feminist aesthetics as an underexplored section of aesthetic science. Amongst others, the author discusses the preconditions of this intellectual approach, its interconnection with feminist critique of art history and defines the main directions of feminist aesthetics studies’ research. Moreover, the author considers approaches of conceptualizing this trend articulated by Christine Battersby, Rita Felski and Sarah Worth. Vorozheikin Y.P. The strategies of mass screen culture The article deals with strategies of mass screen culture aimed at manipulation with images of death and violence. The author highlights the main ways of implementation of these strategies, their relationship with contemporary cultural trends. Also the article observes negative consequences of such strategy as screen “anesthesia” of human feelings through transformation of images of death and violence in a way of exception of moral evaluation of the act of violence and death deprivation in metaphysical and existential sense. Тэги: history, humanitatis, news, pedagogy, philology, philosophy, political, science, studia, theology
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