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Studia Humanitatis". Summary № 1, 20162016-05-05 18:36:04 (читать в оригинале)Оригинал взят у ![]() HISTORY Valitov A.A., Tomilov I.S., Fedotova D.Y. Role of the modernisation factor in commercial development of Tobolsk province settlements at the turn of XIX-XX centuries Trade is a kind of practical exponent of effective economic development and reflection of its performance. On the basis of changes in the turnover, export and import, financial institutions, the number of wholesale and retail locations and some other indicators one can judge the rise or fall of agricultural and industrial characteristics and also assess the level of population welfare. This article attempted to review trading and market conditions in Tobolsk province at the turn of XIX – XX centuries. This period is characterized by adoption of the modernization stage of social development that gave impetus to the economic development of both the whole country and its separate regions. Overall, the obtained results allow judging the nationwide impact of industrial growth on the development of the retail industry in the region under study in the investigated time frame. Kolupaev V.E. Bulgarian Archbishop Joseph Sokolovsky and his relationships with Rome and Russia The article gives an outline of a life story of the first Bulgarian Catholic bishop Joseph Sokolsky, who united with the Church of Rome to find a way out of a difficult church-political situation. The situation was provoked as a result of the national liberation movement and the awareness of the Bulgarian National Church in overcoming obstacles on the part of the Patriarchate of Constantinople and the authorities of the Ottoman Empire confrontation. This confrontation intensified in joining the Church and the political process of the Russian Empire. The article also describes Sokolsky’s arrest and life in Kiev, his participation in the life of the Greek-Catholic communities at the western boundaries of the Russian Empire. Staniszewski M. Historical and psychological characteristics of formation of the Polish population commitment to the socialist forms of social relations in the 20-30th years of the XX century (on the example of the Marchlewski Polish National Region) The study examines historical facts and psychological mechanisms that influenced the mentality and history of the Polish national community on the territory of Ukraine in 20-30th years of the XX century. Historical facts exemplify considered methods of activists and leaders of the Soviet power, their psychological influence on the population of the Marchlewski Polish National Region with the center in the settlement of Dovbysh in Zhitomir region of Ukraine. PEDAGOGY Efimov V.F. The formation of logic thinking of junior schoolchildren during some extracurricular activities The article discusses the topical issue of formation of junior schoolchildren's mathematical abilities, discloses the modern scientific concept of General and specific mathematical abilities. The structure of mathematical abilities, analyzed the specificity of extra-curricular activities, which under favorable conditions accompanies the intellectual development of junior schoolchildren. Efimov V.F., Nikolsky E.V. Obstacles, mistakes and path searching of religious education in University teaching The article reveals the necessity (in view of the specific socio-cultural and religious situation in modern Russia) of religious education for the modern students, analyzes obstacles to achieving this goal. The authors examines approaches to University teaching of religious disciplines and the specific study of religious material in the subjects of social-humanitarian cycle. During the presentation the author describes the ethical and ideological aspects organically connected with the main perspective of the article. POLITOLOGY Patlashynska I.V. Institutional aspects of peacemaking The article analyzes the main trends and approaches to the understanding of the concept of peacemaking and peacekeeping activities and their evolution. The main specific elements of peacemaking are outlined as an institution of international law. The powers of international and regional organizations in peacekeeping are studied. Bostan S.I. Peculiarities of spreading separatist trends in the Modern World in the context of development of the global processes The international collaboration is entering the new era of globalization revealing not only the new ways of development and quantum growth for humanity but also new threats, problems and global conflicts. There is now doubt that humanity is facing new global range of problems, agenda of the 21st century and urgent issues of global organization of the world order and systems of global administration acceptable for all states. Preventing distribution of international confrontation between the major political players through advancement of separatist and terrorist trends must become the main priority for the international system of collective security, which should be changed according to the realities of the modern global processes. THEOLOGY Archimandrite Arseniy Bochkar. To the question of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church periodization The article deals the author’s conception of the periodization of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church history, outlining the main events of each period. Exploring the Ukrainian Church history, the author proposes to divide it into eight periods that allow studying the life of the Church in the lands of Ukraine more thoroughly. Melkov A.S. Russian Orthodoxy influence on the policy of Chełm Land russification in XIX – beginning XX centuries The problem of Russian Church influence on the Imperial policy of Chełm Land russification is researched in this article. Chełm, the historical region of Polish-Ukrainian borderland, used to be a part of Russia in XIX – beginning XX centuries. The russification of Chełm Land was accompanied by total abolition of the Uniate Church and forcible believers transfer into Orthodoxy. At the beginning of the XX century there was created a draft law about Chełm Land separation from the Kingdom of Poland. Bishop of Russian Orthodox Church Eulogius (Georgievsky) was responsible for solving that problem. In fact, the Imperial power used Orthodoxy for reaching the stated goals, which were the eradication of the national language and culture in Poland as well as resolving of the so-called “Ukrainian question”. PHILOLOGY Zagorovskaya O.V., Litvinova O.A., Litvinova T.A. Identification of suicidal tendencies in individuals using a quantitative analysis of their speech production Suicide is one of the top factors contributing to deaths around the globe with individuals not making other people aware of their suicidal plans. Therefore it is of increasing importance to develop the methods of identification of these individuals. One of the directions of the ongoing research is identification of typological features of their speech patterns using the methods of mathematical linguistics and automatic text processing. Most studies addressing the problem use materials written in English. The article presents the analysis of the above studies and points out the ways of dealing with the issue employing materials written in Russian. Milostivaya A.I. Palimpsest principle (analysis of semiotic culture codes as representing double subjectivity in the English version of M. Bulgakov’s stories) The article studies peculiarities of communicative adequate translation of semiotically marked culturonyms, which serve as codes for the Soviet time reality depicted by the author. Moreover the research focuses on specific English translation discourse of Bulgakov’s prose where the reality can be viewed in the light of double subjectivity of mentality, i.e. the author’s and the translator’s. The results of the research show that communicative adequacy is possible in case the translator conveys the play of words represented by palimpsest of the Soviet time discourse synchronous to the epoch of the source text and its translated version. Sukhareva S.V. Polish memoiristics in the world literature of the XVII century The article deals with the Polish memoirist prose of the XVII century and draws attention to its literary dimension. The battlefield chronicles and journal books display the Ancient social system, the tribal relations and spiritual quests of the famous Polish leaders and ordinary citizens. This genre is represented by Nikolai Radziwill Syrotka, Stanislav Reshka, Matsei Rivotsky, Yan Pyotrkovsky, Samuil Maskevych, Yan Chrysostom Pasek, Kasper Vilkovsky. The article concludes that the authors of memoirs used the most sophisticated literary style namely clear composite structures distant in time from the depicted places and events. The Polish gentry’s raptulyarys became of the least value for literary scholars. Bai O.S. Religiously-anthropological intensions of Danilo Bratkovsky's Baroque prose The article presents religious and anthropological intentions of Danilo Bratkovsky's writing whose poetry belongs to the late Baroque epoch. This refers to the church and morally-religious attributes, human's attitude to ethic and aesthetic values of earthy and transcendent measuring. By means of conceptual method the work represents antagonism of poetic characters, motives, morphemes, syntactic structures. More attention is paid to creative intension in Baroque system. Nikolsky E.V. Images of vampires in stories by V.I. Dal and A.K. Tolstoy in the context of European Romanticism The article considers the interpretation of an image of a vampire in Dahl and Tolstoy’s works. The author of the article makes comparison with the works written on the same topic by European romantics. In conclusion the article reveals the importance of moral issues analyzed in the works. Nikishov Y.M. The philosophical depth of poems by Alexey Erantsev Russian poetry especially classical has spoiled readers by abundance and scale of its creators. Name of Alexey Erantsev is not well-known in literary criticism yet. Meanwhile his poetry is able to step far beyond its historical time. PHILOSOPHY Brodetskyi O.Y. Ethical axiological markers of Judaism: potencies of its humanistic effectiveness The article concerns the moral resource of Judaic worldview ideas. The author analyzes anthropological grounds of Judaic ethics. The article considered the correlation between historically inherited conservative authoritarian elements and humanistic impulses in Judaic ethical values. The opportunities of tolerant cultivating of Judaic model of morality are revealed. The study is realized according to methodological approach of synergy of humanistic potencies of different religious ethical traditions and topicality of its social and personal developing effectiveness. Kropaneva E.M., Moskalenko M.R. A decent human existence in the Russian pre-revolutionary historical and philosophical thought Conceptions of a decent human existence are an important social ideal and mental reference point of modernity. Since the era of the New Times one can see the desire of the West to monopolize the idea of a decent human existence and associate it primarily with its own cultural and legal tradition. The paper notes that the Russian historical and philosophical thought has developed its own concept of decent human existence which could make the original concept of the rule of law in Russia. Ivanov A.G., Linchenko A.A. Historical consciousness as a factor of demyfologizing historical culture: philosophical and methodological aspect The article analyses the philosophical and methodological problems of studying historical consciousness as a factor of demythologizing historical culture. It reveals the role of social mythology in public life, the value of constructive and destructive mythology to historical culture. The article considers the questions of the possibilities and boundaries of historical consciousness in the process of demythologizing the past. Staniszewska Ż. Phenomenon of the inner psychological migration as the factor of the national identity preservation in a period of social crises, anomia and repressions in case of the Polish settlement Marchlewsk (Dovbysh) The article gives a review of the population history of the Polish National Region named after Julian Marchlewski (settlement of Dovbysh, Zhitomir province, Ukraine). The author explores the psychological factors affecting the preservation of culture, religion and identity of the Polish community in the period of the repressions 1920-30 years. The article researches and analyses the phenomenon of internal psychological migration as a factor in preservation of national and personal self-identity. Тэги: history, humanitatis, news, pedagogy, philology, philosophy, political, science, studia, theology
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