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World of Warcraft : WoW : Noob Club
World of Warcraft : WoW : Noob Club
Голосов: 2
Адрес блога: http://www.noob-club.ru/index.php
Добавлен: 2008-09-26 15:31:30

Re: [Жрец Тьмы] в 5.3.

2013-08-19 03:44:14 (читать в оригинале)

Dear Shadow, we buffed you because you weren't at our 5.4 targets. We did not buff you because you campaigned for buffs. #nothowthisworks (Source)
don't act like we didn't need it
That's the whole point. Shadow in 5.4 did need it. It wasn't because anyone asked for it. #stillnothowthisworks (Source)
Is this what happens when Devs don't want to admit they were wrong and the players were right?
I don't feel that claim holds water. We admit when we're wrong all the time. (Source)

Players argued that spriest needed buffs. Devs crunch numbers and buff spriests. Players were right.
I think I've seen players of every spec arguing for buffs this AM. Surely they can't all be right, can they? (Source)
If so, how do you know which players to listen to? You use your judgment, which is what we do. (Source)

I have no reason to doubt you. Still, 10-man is the majority of groups, and atm shadow doesn't fit well.
In 10s, I am pretty sure there are more Shadow priests raiding than Fury and Ret combined. They are fitt...

Тэги: жрец


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