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Адрес блога: http://polterblog.spaces.live.com/
Добавлен: 2008-10-17 18:47:08 блограйдером POLTER

A Brand New Editor for the WordPress Mobile Apps

2017-07-24 16:52:34 (читать в оригинале)

Now that so many of us carry around tiny pocket-size computers, more and more of our Internet time happens on phones and tablets — not just browsing, but creating. You’ve been asking for a better publishing experience in the WordPress app to make mobile publishing smoother. Today we’re introducing a …

Connect to Your Fans and Followers with the New Social Icons Widget

2017-07-06 18:00:09 (читать в оригинале)

Get to know the Social Icons Widget, which lets you connect with fans and followers on over 40 social networks.

Blogging Made Easier: Five Tricks You Should Know

2017-06-29 23:02:32 (читать в оригинале)

Here are some of our favorite WordPress.com features that will help improve your publishing experience.

Express Yourself with New WordPress Stickers for iOS and iMessage

2016-10-14 17:10:58 (читать в оригинале)

The newest version of iOS for iPhone and iPad includes the ability to send stickers to your friends with the iMessage apps — and now you can share your love of WordPress with them, too! WordPress World is a free iMessage Sticker app for iOS 10, and it includes your favorite emotive …

New Themes: Rowling and Scratchpad

2016-04-14 19:00:19 (читать в оригинале)

Meet Rowling and Scratchpad, the latest additions to our free theme collection.

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