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Адрес блога: http://psdtuts.com
Добавлен: 2008-10-26 20:48:58 блограйдером DrakAngel

40 Mind-Blowing Digital Space Paintings

2011-05-24 17:00:36 (читать в оригинале)

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Some of the world’s most stunning visions of space are made possible with Photoshop. The ability to combine vibrant colors, photo manipulations and ethereal effects makes the software ideal for this kind of work. Here are 40 incredible visions of space from four extremely talented Photoshop artists.

Editor’s note: This article was originally posted on Psdtuts in January of 2009

Greg Martin

Greg Martin has been fascinated with sharing his outlook on life through his art since he was a child. He started out as most young artists do, drawing and painting. Later on, he moved into visual design. Today, Greg works on a variety of projects including concept art for movies, illustrations, and other design projects.

Tobias Roetsch

Tobais is another extremely impressive young artist. He is 21 and lives in Germany. He manages to do quite well selling his space art on his own website as well as the DA Prints store. Something unique about Tobais and his work is that he uses a lot of his own photography in his space art.

Alexei Kozachenko

Mr. Alexei Kozachenko is a young designer I came across on Deviant Art. Alexei Kozachenko is a young designer in his early 20s and currently lives in Switzerland. He started learning design in 2005 and used the Deviant Art community to learn more about his art and perfect his skills.

Just Alyn

Alyn is a spirited young designer, 19 years young. This creative and humorous artist has the ability to create a variety of landscapes and images that are, well, out of this world. He also uses Deviant Art on a regular basis to partner up with other artist and collaborate on projects to share with the community.


You might also want to take a look at a few of these tutorials.

  • The Cosmos: Create a Red Giant Star in Photoshop
  • The Cosmos: Create a Supernova and a Ringed Planet in Photoshop
  • The Cosmos: Create a Spiral Galaxy
  • Premium: Create an Exploding Moon Orbiting a Gas Giant in Photoshop
  • Premium: Paint a Planetary Typhoon With Default Photoshop Brushes

Тэги: inspiration


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